Chapter twenty: Mall

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When Hailey and Vanessa left i decided to start getting ready for my day with Matthew.
I showered and brushed my teeth, i started picking out my outfit but the doorbell rang. After about 5 minutes no one answered the door making me have to go down in nothing but a towel wrapped around me.

Looking out of the peep hole i noticed it was just Matthew so i hurried and opened the door and closed it. He looked up and down at me with a smirk and smashed his lips to mine.
While our makeout session heated i remembered that Ethan was here and could catch us. "My brother is here" i said in between breaths. "he wont mind, this is hotter than porn" he said and started kissing my neck. I laughed and held the top of my towel and lead Matthew upstairs to my room.

We continued our tongue war and his hands slipped through the towel and roamed my body.

Soon there was a knock on my door and we pulled apart from eachother.
I opened the door a little peeking my head through the opening.
"Hey wh......" Ethan stared to say and his eyes went to my neck that probably had a mark on it from Matthew. "spider bite" i lied. "sure, are you busy?" he asked. I looked at Matthew and back to Ethan. "a little what do you want?", He pushed me a little from the door and saw Matthew and laughed and waved. "Ethan what do you want?" i repeated. "Can you drive me to the mall?" he asked. "no problem Matthew and i were going there anyway, who are you meeting?"

He shrugged and i gave him a look until he answered. He sighed and said "Taylor"
Yup, the girl HE got pregnant. "oh, so you took my advice?", he shrugged again. "okay well im going to get dressed" i said. "can you JUST get dressed she's already waiting for me" i rolled my eyes at him. "and you" he pointed at Matthew. "dont touch my sister, dont look at me sister, dont even think about my sister" he demanded. Matthew rose his hands up in defeat. Ethan nodded and left making me laugh.

After about ten minutes i was fully dressed. "that was faster than i thought" Matthew commented. I rolled my eyes and walked toward my door.
His hand grasped my wrist and spun me around, putting my back against the door. "you're just a bad one arent you?", i grinned and response. My eyes flickered to his lips and eyes waiting for him to kiss me.

"Are you done yet?" Ethan yelled by my door. I groaned and pushed Matthew off of me and opened my door. "finally"

The mall wasnt very crowded yet which is a good. "so where is Taylor?" i asked Ethan. I wanted to meet her which isnt a bad idea i think so i followed him.

"Hey" a really pretty girl with a light brown complection and black curly hair approached Ethan. She looked familiar to me. "Hey Taylor, this is my sister lana and her boyfriend, Matthew" he introduced us. I smiled at her and she smiled back. "How'd you get here?" Ethan asked her. "My sister, there she is" she pointed behind Matthew and i and when i turned around i then realized why Taylor looked so familiar. I looked at Matthew with my jaw clenched. "be nice just for today" he whispered. i rolled my eyes and watched as Cassidy approached us. "Taylor why are you with these losers?" Cassidy asked her. "What? This is Ethan and his sister and her boyfriend" she said. "Wait, This is Ethan? The one who did that to you?" she asked pointing to Taylors stomach and Taylor nodded. Ethan looked at Taylor and then Cassidy. "i didn't.." he started to say. "i told her" Taylor told him. "Woah, Ethan did what?" Matthew spoke. oh yeah i didnt tell him. "Okay Taylor and i are going to walk around and talk as we planned, you all can do whatever" Ethan said and left with Taylor.

"At least your brother isnt ugly like you, wouldn't want my niece to be you know, ugly" Cassidy said. "If she's related to you then im pretty sure you have to worry about the other half of her looks" i came back. "Hey, lets just get along okay?" Matthew suggested. "just because we'll have the same niece doesnt mean we have to talk or get along so no" i said. "whatever im not losing sleep, see ya" Cassidy left. I should have punched her AGAIN because honestly she deserves it. Out of all of the girls in the world, Ethan gets my worst enemy's little sister pregnant.


After Matthew and i finished shopping we waited for Ethan at the food court.
Cassidy was in every single store we went to, she claimed she wasnt following us, but it's Cassidy, She'll do anything to get under my skin.
I looked around seeing if there was any sign of Ethan yet, i was ready to leave from here because i'm really irritated.

Instead of seeing Ethan, guess who i see? Cassidy. Someone give this bitch an Oscar.
She glances and Matthew and i and encounters us. "why are you following us?" i ask her before she gets to say anything. "Not that i am, but just being friendly" She smiles. I look at Matthew and he quickly looks at his phone.
I do the same.

iMessage : (private)
lana // - some boyfriend you are, get the bitch away from me
Matthew // - babeeeeee be niceeeee pleaseeee
lana // - why should i? shes a total bitch.
Matthew // - She did use to be your best friend
lana // - dont bring that up, you know what, you can stay here and be friendly with her, im leaving (look up at me so you can see how angry i am)

Matthew looks up at me and i roll my eyes and he puts his attention back on his phone.
Matthew // - okay you win, sorry baby
lana // - get rid of her.
Matthew // - got any bitch repellent? (;
lana // - thats why i love you (:

Cassidy clears her throat which makes me even more irritated with her. "Something stuck in your throat? Maybe a dick", "come on lana, lets just talk" she says which catches me by surprise, i had another come back for her, Damn.

I roll my eyes. "lana, we use to be best friends" she states. "The key word is use to, thats past tense, but you wouldnt know that" i said. "Honestly, we arent friends anymore because of J..", "dont bring it up" i snap before she can finish.
Ethan and Taylor interrupts us, thankfully. "Hey you two, have fun?" i ask and they nod, "good, lets go"

When we got back home Matthew and i went straight to my room and Ethan went to his which was 2 doors away from mine. (Kate's room is between ours). I decided to text Shawn about my crazy day.

iMessage (private)

lana // - guess who i saw at the mall and is Ethan's baby mama's sister [:

Shawn // - baby mama?

lana // - oh yeah i didnt tell you that Ethan got someone pregnant five months ago (i just found out btw)

Shawn // - no he didnt

lana // - yes! he did!

Shawn // - okay lan, gtg love you (:

lana // - dont leave me! im serious! you dont love me :[

Shawn // - xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


ok hi [:

UMMM i know i was suppose to write a *scene* but idk do you guys want me to or no? Give me feedback & if i get none i probably wont until i feel like its necessary because i lowkey kind of feel awkward when i write those scenes lmao. But if you guys want me to, then i definitely will, let me know! ❤️


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