Chapter One - From the Beginning

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Hi guys! So this is my first attempt at a Twenty Øne Piløts/ Josh Dun fic. I hope you all enjoy it, any feedback is greatly appreciated! The story is going to start off a little bit slow and Josh won't come in to the story straight away as there's a little bit of background, but it is necessary, so hang in there!


"So what you're saying is that you didn't get the job?" I could almost hear the smile in Evan's voice as the 'good' news sank in.

"Yes, Evan. That's exactly what I'm saying. Don't rub it in, I'm more disappointed than you can imagine." I sighed, knowing that this would not be the last time we had this particular conversation.

You see, Evan and I had been together for 4 years. Young sweethearts some would say. I wouldn't. Sure, I love him, but I mean, we were such different people. I had met Evan through a friend on a work night out. He seemed sweet, offering to buy me a drink and laughing about how bright and vibrant my dyed red hair was. We started talking and texting, often meeting up for coffee. Coffee turned to dinner dates. Dinner dates turned to Chinese take-out on the couch. Take-out turned to late night stay overs. Stay overs turned to living together. That's how it has stayed ever since, Evan and I living together quite comfortably.

"Are you listening, Ava?" I shook my head, trying to clear away the fog of memories.

"Yeah, sorry I was just concentrating on the road." I lied, I wasn't driving, not yet anyway. I was sitting in my car outside of the apartment we shared, waiting for the call to end so I could go out and get a coffee to clear my head and cheer myself up.

"So, as I was saying. I'm going to take you out for dinner tonight to take your mind off of things. I want you to check in the spare bedroom cupboard, there should be a bag in there. That's your outfit for tonight, you're welcome. Can you tie your hair up so you can't see the pink streaks?" I cringed slightly, realising I hadn't gotten around to telling Evan I had dyed my hair completely candyfloss pink earlier that day.

"Um," I paused, "about that, I did dye my hair..."

"And it's back to your natural colour right?" I don't think I could actually remember what colour my natural hair colour was, I had been dying my hair far too long.

"Well not quite- actually, no it's even more pink now. Sorry." I pulled the verbal band aid off quickly, preparing myself for the sharp tone I was about to hear. One that I was more than familiar with.

"That's just- you know what, it's fine. As long as you have normal coloured hair in 6 months time." I raised my eyebrow at this comment.

"What's happening in 6 months time?" I questioned, almost sure that Evan would have mentioned it before if it was important. Or maybe he had mentioned it and I was just too busy with work to pay attention.

"You'll find out later on tonight. Now go and get ready, I'll see you at 7pm sharp. I'm changing at the office and picking you up from the apartment." That's more like something my Evan would say. I soon ended the call, running out of the car and up to the apartment to prepare. I would have to settle for the jar of instant coffee in the kitchen instead of my coffee house treat.


After I had finished showering, I began rummaging in the spare bedroom. It was a fairly spacious apartment, with en suite bathrooms in the three bedrooms and a view of the city from the balcony. I loved being able to see London every morning when I woke up. It was in a beautiful location in South West London, a stones throw away from the home of my favourite football club. Not that I was able to visit often, unless Evan was on a business trip away. He didn't believe women should enjoy sports that were not elegant, such as ice skating or horseback riding. Evan was a high flying lawyer, so he believed that it was only right that I maintained the
position of the trophy girlfriend he had portrayed me to be. I think he was disappointed when he discovered (a mere three months into our relationship), that rather than being a receptionist at the studio I frequented in Maida Vale, I actually worked as a drum and guitar technician. Far from the stay-at-home mothers and kept girlfriends who were the spouses of Evan's workmates, I was happiest restringing guitars or standing in the wings of a stage enjoying a performance from one of the many bands I had worked with and later became friends with.

I was positive none of Evan's colleagues knew my real job role. Imagine the looks on their faces if I had shown up to this event tonight dressed in the jeans and tshirts that had become almost a uniform for me. I sniggered to myself at the very thought of their reactions, as my hand brushed against a bag.

Pulling out the thick paper bag, I noticed that it had a designer label on the dress. A beautiful silk dress, a deep navy blue in colour with a plunging neckline and a full underskirt. I couldn't even believe Evan had hidden this dress from me so easily! At the same time, I didn't want to think of the pretty penny Evan must have paid for it.

I quickly dried myself and began to dry and curl my hair, before pinning it up into a chic twisted bun that I had seen in Vogue a few weeks ago. Checking the time, my heart began racing when I realised that the clock on the wall read 6:45pm. Fifteen minutes to finish getting ready and put on make up. Applying a light base, cat eye style eyeliner and a red lip, I had completed this evening's outfit and began tapping my finger anxiously as the stereo system began to play Annie Lennox's cover of I Put a Spell on You. I couldn't decide if this was an event for Evan's work that I had forgotten or one of his colleague's birthday celebrations.

My mind ceased wandering when I heard 3 sharp knocks to the front door. Crossing the living room as quickly as my favourite high heels would carry me, I opened the door to see Evan holding a bouquet of white lilies. "Evan, they're beautiful!" I smiled, leaning forwards to kiss him.

"If I recall correctly, they're your favourite. I brought champagne too." Evan moved the flowers to on top of the cabinet near our front door to reveal an exquisitely tailored suit and a bottle of Dom Perignon. Although I was not usually impressed by expensive items, it was clear that Evan had tried to make quite an effort to surprise me.

"Your chariot awaits downstairs, darling." Evan held his hand out to me, ready to lead me downstairs. We soon reached the car parked outside of the apartment.


It was a beautiful evening so far. I couldn't believe my eyes when Evan pulled up next to the restaurant I had casually mentioned over lunch last month. It had recently opened in Mayfair after a lengthy refurbishment. Seeing it in person was awe inspiring. From the cream brocade wallpaper to the heavy oxblood coloured velvet curtains and marble floor, I was in heaven. I had noticed Evan had began to fidget slightly, something I was not used to being a mannerism of his.

"Evan? Are you feeling okay sweetheart?" I nudged his hand across the table. Evan was always cool, calm and collected. Something must be wrong.

"I'm wonderful, it's just quite warm. How are you enjoying the atmosphere?" Evan plastered a smile on his face, dabbing his clean shaven face with a napkin.

I took a moment to enjoy the live music being played by a string based band.

"It's unbelievable, Evan. It's perfect!" I smiled widely, seeing Evan sigh in relief.

A waiter brought two small plates of Caesar salad to the table, shortly followed by a second waiter, carrying a bottle of white wine.

"I hope you don't mind, I called prior to this evening and requested some of your favourite foods."Evan grinned charmingly.

We made polite conversation throughout our starter and sorbet palate cleanser, before being served steak and potato dauphinoise with a selection of vegetables and sauces.

"Evan, I'm going to wake up tomorrow about 8 pounds heavier!" I laughed, mopping the last of the delicious peppercorn sauce from my plate.

"I wouldn't worry too much, you could stand to gain a few pounds to make it easier when we start trying for our first child." My mood dulled slightly at his comment. We had been discussing children for quite some time now, and although I knew Evan could more than support a growing family, I couldn't quite bring myself to feel ready without a major commitment first.

"I know you said that you didn't want to start a family before we became man and wife, but..."

Evan trailed off, his eyes looking at the table instead of my own. I couldn't help but gasp as I saw Evan begin to kneel down and reach into his trouser pocket.

"Ava, I know we have together for several years now, and you mean more to me than you know. I have recently accepted a higher position in the company, and I wish to receive a promotion from you. So please, Ava Helena Klinsmann, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

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