Chapter Fifty One- I Ain't The Same

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Hey guys, finally an actual chapter update! Life has been so crazy right now, and I'm finding out things about people close to me that I didn't expect so there has been a lot to deal with right now.

There is a little bit of a smut warning for the first part of this chapter, although I don't believe it is very explicit.

As always let me know what you think, and I'm sorry for the delay!


In the time it took for Josh to finish his meeting and get home, I had taken a bath, got dressed in a new outfit, lit candles and set up a playlist to create a little more ambience. As I finished drawing the curtains, I heard a car pull up in the driveway.

“Honey! I'm home!” Josh yelled up the stairs a couple of minutes later. This was the new normal for Josh to shout whenever he arrived home after me.

“Hey darling, I'm upstairs, hurry up!” I call down to him, hearing a chuckle before the pounding of his footsteps as Josh ran up the stairs.

Josh entered the room, panting slightly, eyes roaming up and down my body. I had put the robe back on, hiding the rest of the outfit.

“I really hope you didn't speed back!” I teased Josh, standing with my hands on my hips, knowing fine well what the answer would be.

“Of course I didn't! I stuck to the speed limit the whole way home and it almost drove me mad.” Josh crossed the room to where I was stood and pulled me into his arms, resting his hands on my hips.

“Well, if the waiting didn't drive you mad, hopefully this outfit will be just enough to tip you over the edge.” I smirked, wrapping my arms around Josh’s neck and standing on my tiptoes to reach his lips with my own, pressing heavily against his mouth with my own.

“You look great baby, I mean- not to say that the outfit isn’t amazing- cause it is but I much prefer what’s underneath all that material” Josh’s hands began to roam down my back, towards the curve of my spine.

Still holding me tightly, Josh walked backwards away from where we had stood, my legs hitting against the back of the bed, causing me to fall back onto it. Josh stood above me at the foot of the bed, unzipping his track jacket and dropping it to the floor, before pulling his t-shirt over his head in one clean swoop.

He bent down to kiss me softly on the lips, quickly turning into a passionate kiss, as his hands moved down to open my robe.

Josh pulled back, gasping softly as his eyes roamed over the new pale grey silk set.

“You definitely didn't show me this outfit!” Josh smirked back at me.

“I thought I'd surprise you, my favourite colour and your favourite style.” I pressed my lips back to Josh's.

“Well, it may possibly be my favourite so far…”  As his words trailed off, I could feel Josh's lips trace over the same spot for the hundredth time. Soft lips pressing over my collarbone as he made his way from left to right before trailing down towards my stomach, caressing the curve with his hand.

“You have never looked more beautiful, Ava.You are literally glowing.”

I twirled my fingers through the curls at the nape of his neck, tugging lightly as he uttered a moan. I pulled him back towards me so I could press my lips against his own.

Josh’s hand moved back up to caress my face, as our lips moved in sync. I could feel him pressing hard between my legs, rolling his hips delicately; applying just enough pressure to tease me.

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