Chapter Eighteen- Don't Be Afraid, We're Going Home

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Hope everyone is well! So, this chapter might seem a little out of place, but it'll make sense soon, I promise. Also, the drama is beginning in the next chapter and I'm excited to find out your reactions! As always let me know what you think!

Isn't that photo of Josh above just so cute?


A couple of hours later, we were waiting to board the plane, ready to fly back to Ohio for a week's break. Personally, I was just excited to get a clean laundry wash done at home and maybe pack some different clothes for the next part of the tour.

I knew Josh was looking forwards to seeing his family. His brother Jordan had also asked to meet me after I walked in on them facetiming in the back lounge, and ended up speaking to him for a couple of minutes. I had spoken to Ashley, briefly, through FaceTime too. They seemed sweet from what I had heard of them.

Jenna and I didn't get another chance to be alone so we could discuss Josh and I's "relationship". Thankfully, any shop we went into, we either had Mark, Brad or one of the others with us for company. There was no alone time while we were waiting for the plane, not even for Josh and I. No doubt Jenna would make sure that we discussed the matter over coffee when we got back to Columbus, if we didn't get a chance before then.

After dandering around the airport stores a little looking for a new camera, Brad and I walked back to greet the rest of the group. Jenna must have had a talk with Michael, because when we had arrived at the airport, we had assigned seating. Jenna, Tyler and Mark would have one row, with Michael, Brad and Shap in the next row. Behind them would be John and various other crew members, and finally at the back, away from everyone else, would be Josh and I.

As soon as I heard the arrangements, I looked over at Jenna, who pulled a look of fake surprise before mouthing "talk" at me, while Tyler shrugged and grinned.

I started feeling a little nauseaous, again, but narrowed it down to the mountain of pizza we ate, and the anxiety caused by flying. My breasts were also sore, but I knew more than likely it was from being intimate with Josh. He could get a little rough when he was excited. Not in a bad way, I knew he didn't mean any harm, we just got a little caught up in the moment sometimes.

I had noticed that I was feeling sick whenever I was eating or around food. Josh had noticed it too, and had advised me more than once to look into getting an allergy test taken when we were back home. I'm sure it wouldn't be necessary, but I had been keeping a food diary just in case.

Josh and I took our boarding passes and headed for the back steps of the plane. Josh had demanded that he carried my bag when he noticed the colour begin to drain from my face, as a side effect of the nausea. Gently guiding me up the stairs with his hand on my lower back, we stepped on to the plane and found our seats.

"Ava, what has you eaten today? You don't look good at all. No offence!" Josh rubbed my back a little as I grabbed a couple of items out of my bag, ready for take off.

"The same as you, waffle crisp, a salad for lunch and pizza." Josh quirked his eyebrow at me, as he handed me my drink.

"But you've eaten that almost every other day on tour and you've been fine?" I rolled my eyes as I muttered back.

"Tell me about it. I'm just hoping this break will help me relax and then I'll be fine for the next part of tour. I'm just sick of feeling sick!"

As the plane began to take off, Josh clutched my hand in his, squeezing lightly. He whispered softy into my ear, the tip of his nose nuzzling into my hair.

"You'll be okay. Deep breaths, Ava." I nodded, taking a sip of the iced tea sat in front of me. Josh took the splitter cable, plugging it into my laptop so we could watch Fight Club together to pass the time a little quicker.

About half an hour later, Tyler walked up the aisle to go to the bathroom. Josh and I were still holding hands, my head leaning on Josh's shoulder, and his head on top of mine. I didn't realise Tyler was walking towards us, by then it was too late to pull back. Tyler smirked as he walked past, not commenting on what he had seen.

At some point during the flight, I had fallen asleep. Dreaming weird thoughts of falling over at a show, or being chased by some unseen being. The whole time I was dreaming all I could hear was people cheering and babies crying. I couldn't find the logic in any of this. I was woken up by Josh kissing my forehead and squeezing my hand.

"We're back in Columbus, are you ready to go home?" I nodded my head, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and yawning. I followed close behind Josh, who once again, was carrying both his backpack and my bag.

"Do you want me to carry you? I can if you're tired?" Josh offered, once my feet had hit the ground. As sweet an offer as this was, I had to decline.

"Thank you, but the others would see, and I feel like we aren't quite ready for that yet. Besides, imagine the shit storm that would occur if a fan saw that!" Josh laughed, his eyes squinting a little.

"True, I didn't think of that. Maybe I can carry you from the van to your house instead then?" The idea was cute, but it seemed too couple-y for our situation. Jenna was right. We would need to talk about what was happening between us at some point, but right now, I was happy just to stick my head in the sand and carry on regardless.

After a little wait at the baggage reclaim, the group collected our bags, and got into van to go home, with Mark stopping only for Taco Bell on the way. Thankfully my house was the first drop off point, meaning I didn't have to wait too much longer for some much required down time.

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