Chapter Forty Nine- My Pretty Sleeper

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I woke up the next morning, as the sunlight streamed in through the cracks in the blinds. It couldn't have been any later than about 9am, and we had barely slept. Just a few hours or so.

I was laying on my back with Josh curled into my side, still snoring softly.

Truly the cutest sleeper and napper.

My mouth was dry and I was in desperate need of a cup of tea. I stretched my legs out just a little more, pointing my toes towards the end of the bed, trying not to wake the sleeping tuft of neon pink hair beside me. Surely that tiny stretch wouldn't be enough to wake him right?

The little shuffle next to me, followed by a groan indicated that I was indeed incorrect. I turned my head, as Josh moved his hand up to his face, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. A few moments later, Josh’s beautiful brown eyes squinted at me and he breathed a little laugh.

“Hi handsome.” I spoke first, and Josh blinked his eyes a little, adjusting to the light.

“Good morning beautiful. I guess I must have drank a little too much last night, because I had the craziest dream last night. I dreamt that you told me I was going to be a daddy. It was so vivid!” I snickered a little at how confused Josh looked.

“That's because it wasn't a dream, Joshua. It really happened!” I laughed, gesturing to the toy drum sitting on the dresser by the bathroom door. Josh raised himself up off of the bed to look before laying back down on his side, looking at me.

“I knew it baby, I'm just so excited about it! I can't believe it- our own little miracle!” Josh grinned back at me, reaching out to brush my hair out of my face.

“Well, hardly a miracle, before we resumed tour, we did have a fair amount of se-” Josh kissed me hard, cutting me off before I could finish the sentence. After a few moments, Josh pulled back, attempting to check the time on the clock behind him on the side table.

“What time is it? Are we late for meeting the others again?” I shook my head, grabbing my phone from the side table and showing Josh the time.

“Nope, we have about 2 more hours before we need to start getting ready.” Josh looked as if he was thinking something over.

“Perfect, let’s take a nap first!” Josh smirked burying his face into the pillow again.

“I don't think so Mister, but I have something else we could do in mind?”

I barely managed to finish my sentence before Josh got the hint and pulled me on top of him.


Over an hour and half later, Josh and I were showered, dressed and ready to head out the door to meet Tyler and Jenna for brunch at a local cafe.

The cafe was about 10 minutes away by car, and one of our favourite spots. Jenna and I would normally meet here when the boys were not on tour and we wanted coffee. We had also met with Ashley, Tatum, Abigail and Maddy at the same cafe several times.

Jenna had texted us on the way over to say she and Tyler had a table inside, near the back of the cafe and to meet them there.

The cafe was fairly busy with families and couples chattering away happily, bustling wait staff with smiles on their faces. I saw Tyler waved at us from a table for four at the back, and we made our way over to the couple.

“Hey! Hope you two aren't too hungover after last night!” Jenna giggled, greeting us at the table and wrapping her arms around me.

“Nope, certainly not, we barely even touched a drop of alcohol! Right, Ava?” Josh replied, smirking and nudging me a little in the side.

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