Chapter Eleven- Part Two (This Is Not What I Had Planned)

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Holy crap guys! We have reached 400 reads, which is awesome! We aren't even halfway through the story yet, there's a lot planned! Hopefully everyone's enjoying this so far, and to celebrate, I'm uploading part two a little quicker than anticipated. I've written up to chapter thirty (with the others all planned ahead!) so this is still only a little way in! Thank you again, and as always, comment, vote or message me on tumblr and let me know what you think!


Tyler didn't comment any further on my change of outfit, so I didn't feel the need to offer a further explanation. I'm sure it was a little obvious what had happened with Josh and I catching each other's eyes regularly.

We finished the soundcheck quickly enough, before moving on to the guys' meet and greet. Mark briefed me on what to expect as I hadn't taken part in one before, and soon, the concert hall began to fill with the meet and greet members.

There were people of all ages coming in to meet the guys. It was great to see the looks of excitement and awe on their faces, and to see how much Josh and Tyler meant to people. Jenna and I stood at the side with Mark watching the M&G. A couple of people came up to talk to Jenna and stated that they recognised me too. I wasn't sure where they had recognised me from, but I'm sure I could Google it later. Josh decided to come over to see us quickly.

"Ava, do you not have anything better to be doing?" I frowned my eyebrows at Josh.

"Really? You're going back to being a dick?" I couldn't help but be rude back to Josh, feeling that his comment was completely unnecessary. Jenna rolled her eyes at both of us.

"Could you both behave please? We're in public, keep the verbal brawls for backstage, and preferably away from everyone else too please?" Josh nodded at Jenna while I muttered a quick sure. Jenna walked off, probably to see Tyler or grab a drink.

"Could you at least move away, Ava? Go stand near the stairs or something and give the fans some space." I raised an eyebrow at Josh, but complied so as not to make a scene.

About 20 minutes later, there was a little more bustling as more fans began arriving, moving closer and closer towards myself and the stage. There was a little pushing and shoving as the more restless fans tried to get closer to Josh and Tyler.

I could feel someone push me out of the way, and as I was stood near the steps, I could feel myself falling. Before I hit the ground, I felt a pair arms grab me and wrap around me, pulling me close to the owner's chest.

"Hey, are you okay?" I knew straight away that it was Josh who had caught me. He was holding me close to his chest and whispering in my ear.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just a little shook up." I whispered back, wrapping my arms around Josh in return. He pulled away until we were arms length apart, and looked into my eyes.

"Go and sit backstage, out of the way. I'll get Jenna to come and see you, and I'll be back shortly, okay? Make sure you're okay." I felt Josh kiss my forehead and squeeze a little tighter before releasing me from his grip. "Stay safe, okay? Text me if you need me."

I could only nod at Josh as I watched him return to the fans to continue signing and taking photographs. Josh had just kissed me on the forehead. I was certain Tyler or someone must have witnessed that. I quickly walked backstage to take a seat before I fell again.


We had been on tour for roughly nine days by this point (We had just hit the Camden stop on the tour), and for the first time, I was going to be able to watch the whole of TIMH without being called away from the side of the stage to fix something or help with the set up from the sound stage. Tonight, I was also going to get the chance to see the drum line performed in person. I may not have been Josh's biggest fan, but I had heard good things about it and was excited to witness it live.

"Hey Ava, I'm not feeling too good right now, can you take Josh's phone and record a little for the fans? If you need the password, it's BestFren21- no spaces, 21 in numbers and capital B and F!" I rolled my eyes at Josh's password, so secure! Unfortunately, my eye rolling almost made me miss catching the phone, as Mark threw it to me quickly before running off behind the side of the stage. I quickly opened Snapchat and began to record a quick video of the boys. Tyler saw I was filming and walked up to the camera during Lane Boy and pulled a quick face. I giggled as I sent it to Josh's story, before turning around to face the drums. Josh stuck his tongue out before pulling a cheesy grin and laughing. I wasn't sure if Josh was smiling at me or the camera but he looked good anyway.

He looked good? Josh? I shook my head, trying to clear that very unwelcome thought from my head, that was the last thing I needed to think right now. I carried on with my job, listening to the conversation in my in-ear monitor between Mark and the other sound guys like Murphy and (Father) John. I continued to take videos where appropriate, until I got called to help replace the bass drum that Josh had burst. Josh had to work around me while I fixed the drum head and re-aligned the beater that must have been knocked out of place during the gig. Not including that "minor" blip, everything was smooth sailing. Understandably though, we were all tired and once the gig had finished, we packed up the stage as quick as we could and headed to our buses to get to bed.


Just one last comment, the next chapter is another one of my favourites, there's going to be a little bit more development, and it'll touch on anxiety, so just a little warning! Also, if there's anything that you disagree with in regards to the anxiety, I'm drawing from my own experiences, so if it doesn't match what you know about anxiety, I apologise, I'm just going by what I know and what I think the character of Josh is feeling/thinking. I'll also be posting trigger warnings on chapter that may be upsetting. I hope this okay!

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