Chapter Forty Eight- Believe Love Is For Me

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Hey guys, hope I didn't leave you hanging for too long! I love this chapter, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up a little writing it.

I'd suggest listening to the songs mentioned (Prove Me Wrong and Holocene) and also I'm Kissing You by Des'Ree while reading this.

I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think!


“Oh Josh, of course I will! Yes, yes and a thousand times yes!” Josh dropped his microphone to the floor, pressed his lips hard to mine, before picking me up and spinning me around to the cheers of the crowd. Before I knew it, I could feel tears spill down my cheeks, as I was overwhelmed with happiness.

“Oh my gosh, I didn’t give you your ring!” Josh exclaimed, opening to box and sliding the ring onto my finger. I was too busy grinning at Josh like an idiot to even check out the ring at that time. Tyler walked over towards us and picked up the microphone.

“Well ladies and gentlemen, you heard the lady, she finally said yes! Allow me the pleasure of dedicating this next song to our very own lovebirds, the future Mr and Mrs Joshua Dun!” Cheers erupted from the crowd again, causing Josh and I to smile even harder than we were already. “This next song is an old, old song, but it is one of our happy couple’s favourites- I should know, I've caught them dancing to it before, more than once! This one is called ‘Prove Me Wrong’!”

Josh and I moved away from the centre of the stage as Tyler sat back down at his piano. Josh wrapped his arms around me from behind as we swayed a little, watching Tyler sing to us.

If I could stay in that moment forever, I think I would.

I stayed onstage for the rest of the performance, watching the guys perform. I  took a few minutes to finally looked at the ring. It was the most perfect emerald cut champagne diamond ring, encased in a rose gold setting. It was incredible, and exactly the ring that I would have chosen for myself. Josh had chosen a ring better than I could have ever imagined him choosing.

Once the concert was completed, and the guys had performed Trees as their final song, Josh and Tyler disappeared to get showered and changed before joining the party in a little while.

Mark and the other crew members pulled down a banner on the stage, which had been rolled up throughout the concert.

It was homemade and read “Ava and Josh’s engagement party!”

A whole bunch of balloons and streamers in Josh and I’s favourite colours covered the stage too. Clearly there were more people than just Josh and Tyler who were in on the proposal idea! Nick and Oscar came up to me first, as soon as I left the stage, giving me a hand down the stairs.

“Congratulations my darling, and thank God you said yes! Do you know how hard it was for Nick and I to keep that a secret?” Oscar chuckled, hugging me closely.

I turned to Nick. “You knew the whole time?”

“Of course I did! When you were in Berkeley, the week before you went to Lincoln, Josh called me on FaceTime to ask my permission. I knew about it both times, and I'm glad he finally grew the kahunas and actually asked you this time! I had to tell someone, so I let young Oscar here in on the secret! I’m surprised he never spilled it to you!” Nick chuckled as Oscar pretended to bow, sarcastically muttering ‘Thank you, thank you’ in response to Nick, as if keeping Josh’s plan a secret had been an arduous task for him.

I couldn’t believe that both Nick and Oscar had kept this a secret for so long. It was so unlike both of them, normally they would disclose everything to me- birthday surprises and secret santa announcements included!

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