Chapter Thirteen- He Is Falling In Love

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I could feel someone poking me in the arm. I groaned not wanting to wake up.

"Ava, be quiet." I could hear a whisper right next to my left ear, and began realising there was a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "It's 7am, I thought we could spend a little time together before everyone else woke up. I rolled over as quietly as I could so we were no longer spooning, and pushed my face into Josh's chest.

"Noooooooo, we sleep." I whispered back, Josh's chest rising and falling quickly as he stifled a laugh. I could feel Josh run his hands through my hair and kiss the top of my head.

"Okay baby girl, you sleep, I'll just lie here... bored... and sad." I couldn't help but to wake up when Josh said that, I felt bad for leaving him hanging.

"Okay, but you get to creep downstairs and make the coffee and I'll catch up with you in 2 minutes, just in case anyone else is awake." I whispered back, making sure no one could hear us. Josh left a lingering kiss on my forehead before slipping out of the bunk and downstairs. Judging by the chorus of snoring coming from outside of Josh's bunk, we would be okay, as everyone appeared to still be sleeping. I still made sure to wait until I had heard the faint click of the kettle before I slid the out of the bunk. I was glad that Josh had chosen the bunk closest to the stairs and slightly away from the rest of the guys, as it had a little more privacy and a little less chance of getting caught. I was also glad that I had chosen the bunk opposite. I grabbed an oversized grey sweatshirt and threw it over my vest and shorts before walking downstairs.

"Hey, I thought you would've gone back to sleep by now." Josh smiled at me as he set the two mugs down. I couldn't help but smile back. I wasn't a morning person, but the hot coffee, beautiful sunrise and handsome smile helped make it easier.

"No, someone guilt-tripped me into getting up and spending time with them at this ungodly hour." I smirked back, settling on the couch beside Josh who was currently setting up my laptop to continue the film from last night.

"Well, if it's so much of an issue, you could always just leave and go back to bed. I mean, I'm sure I can drink two cups of coffee myself." Josh began tickling my sides, teasing me.

"Shh! We have to be quiet, I don't want to wake up and have other people know about this just yet." Josh nodded back in agreement.

"I know, I don't want people finding out either." Josh stopped and nuzzled into my neck. We stayed in this position for a few moments, just enjoying being wrapped in each other.

"How are we going to keep this a secret? Are we just going to act like nothing has changed?" I muttered into Josh's ear. Josh's stubble tickled the soft skin on my neck as he nodded his head in the crook of my neck. I giggled as quietly as I could at the sensation. Josh moved his face so he was about an inch away from my lips. I could see Josh closing his eyes, so I followed suit. I could feel small butterfly kisses being placed from my neck, along my jawline to almost the very corners of my lips, before we heard a thud and laughter from upstairs. Josh and I sprung apart at the sudden noise.

"C'mon guys, that wasn't even funny!" Mark whined from (presumably) the floor. I ran to the other end of the tour bus to the bottom of the stairs.

"Is everyone okay? What happened?" I called up to the guys, only to be met with laughter. Mark walked downstairs with an annoyed look on his face, absolutely soaked through his t-shirt and shorts. He was quickly followed by Dan holding a, now empty, water bottle.

"Man, that was hilarious!" Dan was almost bent double with laughter, while the rest of the crew, including Shap, followed behind. "Hey, what are you guys doing up so early?"

I looked at the two half drunk mugs on the table in the back. "Um, apparently my snoring woke Josh up, then I had cramps so I woke up too."

The guys pulled disgusted faces as I said the last part. Mark actually groaned out loud at the thought of it.

"Lady problems? Gross. Do you need Midol, or a hot water bottle, or ice cream? Seriously, anything to stop the raging hormones. I have a girlfriend, I know about this shit!"

I smirked at Josh, this could work. "Sure, ice cream would be great." Mark began to shift back over to the stairs.

"We'll go with you, don't leave us with crazy hormones over here!" Dan yelled, moving quickly to follow after Mark.

The guys piled back upstairs to change. Once we got to our next stop, everyone but Josh and I got off to look for a shop to get ice cream for me.

"You just stay here and rest for a bit, Ava. Josh will stay here and make sure you're okay. If you need anything, text me." I nodded and headed to the back lounge with a blanket and pillows, putting on a show for the benefit of the guys, groaning in apparent period pain. As soon as the door shut and locked, Josh began laughing.

"I can't believe you pulled that off! They don't suspect a thing!" Josh wrapped his arms around me and spun me as much as he could in the cramped space of the tour bus. I clasped my hands behind the back of Josh's neck, tip toing up so I could almost look him directly in the eye.

Josh spoke in a low and husky voice, inches away from my lips. "Do you mind... Would it be okay if I kiss you?" I nodded back.


Josh dipped his face to meet my own, his nose brushing against mine. "Are you sure? We can stop if you don't want to...?"

"No Joshua, I want you to kiss me. Please." As soon as the words left my mouth, I could feel a pair of plump, soft lips on my own. Josh pulled back a few inches to look me in the eyes. We looked at each other for a few moments before we smiled, Josh laughing softly. We began to kiss again, starting soft and gentle, long soft kisses changing to quick butterfly kisses. I tangled my fingers in Josh's hair, as he held the small of my back, pulling me towards him. Slowly, Josh licked my bottom lip, opening his mouth, as I mirrored his actions.

Josh quickly moved his hands down to my ass and grabbed it, lifting me up so I could jump up and wrap my legs around him. Josh walked us over to the couch, where he sat down, leaving me in his lap. Taking my sweatshirt off, I could feel the warmth of Josh's naked torso through the thin material of my vest. Sure, I had seen him without a shirt on stage countless times, but it was different when he was stood in front of me sans shirt. Josh bit my lip a little, teasing me before reattaching his lips to my own.

"Josh, the guys will be back soon, should we maybe save this for a little later?" Josh nodded before kissing me one last time.

We moved away from each other just as someone began knocking on the door of the bus. I sighed, thankful that Josh had locked the door earlier. Josh got up to answer the door, Jenna pushing the door wide open as soon as she heard the lock click.

"Where's Ava? Is she okay?" Jenna was about to run up the stairs to the bunks when she caught sight of me waving from the back lounge. "What happened? I bumped into Mark and he said something about you were in agony and bleeding?"

Josh burst in to laughter at this statement. "Seriously? Ava said that she had period pains so the guys would give her 5 minutes peace and quiet!" Jenna raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

"Well, I guess that makes sense. You are okay though right?"

I nodded. "Well she's still breathing if that's what you mean?" Josh snorted, as Jenna threw him a dirty look.

"I thought you two were playing nice?" Jenna looked between the both of us. I stood up, ready to get changed and start the day properly.

"Well, we haven't killed each other yet, if that's what you mean?" I smirked at Josh, mocking his previous statement, while Jenna simply rolled her eyes.

"At least you two are being relatively civil. Now go and get changed, we have stuff to do today!" Josh and I ran upstairs to get ready, sneaking kisses every so often while Jenna waited downstairs.


Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter, I know it seems a little filler-ish, but Josh and Ava finally had their first kiss! Let me know what you think so far or what you expect to happen ( It's all planned and a good chunk is already written, but I'm curious as to what you guys think!)

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