Chapter Forty- I Wanna Be Strong

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Hi guys, so I believe we only have about ten chapters left before we reach the end of the story! There will be another tiny twist before the end, though.

Also, how good were the Grammys?! (And Chrissy Teigan's drunken snapchats)

There's a another note at the bottom of this chapter, but it doesn't have anything with this story, it's about the next one!

So, as always, let me know what you think!


Once again, my days were spent in the studio, trying to keep my mind off of how lonely I felt. I knew Josh was the same, and I made sure that I took a break about an hour before the show every night to call Josh when I knew he would be free. The night of the first show when I video called Josh, the dial tone barely even rang once before I heard my favourite voice, while the screen stayed black.

"Hi baby, what took you so long to answer, I called about 5 times earlier and you never picked up. Is everything okay, do I need to come home?" I could by the shakiness in his voice, just how nervous Josh felt. It was the first night that he had played a show without me being present since the day we had met. He moved the phone around so that I could see his face, concern etched all over it. His hair was wet, as if he'd just showered, water droplets clinging to his neck and bare shoulders too.

"No, no you don't need to come home, love. I was cooking, then doing the dishes and my phone was still on silent from work earlier so I didn't hear your call, I'm so sorry! Is everything okay?" I could hear a sigh of relief and the look on his face visibly ease up a little.

"I was worried, Ava. Ashley will actually be round soon because I called her when you didn't answer for the fourth time." Josh looked a little sheepish when he admitted this. I couldn't blame him for worrying about me after everything we had been through. I knew he cared deeply for me, it was obvious in his actions. "Anyway, what did you make for dinner?"

I moved round, letting the camera follow, showing Josh the mountain of dishes in the drying rack that I had just finished washing and rinsing.

"Well, I kind of felt sorry for myself seeing as you wouldn't be coming home tonight and I started making one of your favourite meals, y'know,  the fake chicken/ Quorn parmesan with a shit ton of pasta and Caesar salad. Oh and brownies too, with lots of frosting. I'm pretty sure I used every dish in the cupboards to make it all." I directed my camera towards the oven so Josh could see the food, before propping my phone up against the vase sitting on the dining room table.

"I'm really happy that you've got your appetite back again baby. You do realise that was the first meal you ever cooked for me in the house. Did you put the crushed walnuts in the brownies again too?" I nodded as Josh put his phone down, angling it so he could still see me as he dried his hair with a towel. He wasn't wearing anything other than a pair of tight jeans.

"Baby, turn around a second, is there something on the wall behind you?" Josh turned around to look and I got perfect view of his derriere. By the time Josh had realised there was nothing on the wall and had turned back around to face me, I was leaning over the table with my chin resting against my hand, just watching him.

"There's nothing there- You know something? You honestly look like the human equivalent of the 'heart eyes emoji' when you do that, it's adorable. Wait... did you do that just so you could look at my ass?" I could feel my face heating up as Josh read me like a book. I tried to shake my head, but in return, Josh simply began to smirk at me, before turning so his back was to me again.

"What are you doing?" I laughed. Josh began shaking his ass in return, before quickly disappearing from the screen. I could hear what sounded like a door locking shut off screen, before Josh appeared on the screen in front of me again.

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