Chapter Thirty Eight- I Hope I Can Show you What I Mean

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Hi guys! I'm sorry, I know this is late again. I'm still working 12 hour shift in work and my "days off" are being spent working behind the bar, so it has been really difficult trying to find time to actually sit down and start writing/editing.

I'm so sorry, hopefully everything will slow down soon, but I really appreciate everyone who is still reading/voting/commenting. You guys are amazing!


I was rudely awoken by a murmuring in my right ear. At first, I couldn't quite make it out. It kind of sounded like he was talking to Tyler or someone, before he muttered something that was much easier to make out.

"Ava, take you as my wife..."

That was enough to cause my eyes to jolt wide open. Had he really been dreaming of getting married? I mean... Woah.

As the fog of sleep began to wear off, my brain finally registered the warmth circulating around my face, realising my face was nuzzled fully into the crook of Josh's neck. I couldn't fully enjoy it though, as I began to feel a cramp in my side from the position I had been lying in the whole night. I desperately needed to stretch to rid the dull ache.

I figured whilst I was awake, I might as well leave Josh on the couch sleeping and start making the breakfast for everyone. I crept off the couch making sure the blanket was still covering Josh and shoved a pillow into his side so he wouldn't notice I was missing.

I heard Josh whisper a little "I do", as I left the room. That justified my initial assumption, of course he was dreaming of marriage again. I couldn't help the little sigh that left my lips. It wasn't a bad sigh, maybe we would get there one day, but for now taking things slow... slower, was the plan. It was about time that we stopped rushing through every step and racing towards the finish line, and started to focus on enjoying everything. Even the little things.

We had fallen asleep last night, cuddled up, kissing and hold hands like a couple of kids. Completely different to when we had first started spending time together. There was no rushing, no trying carefully not to be seen. Just having fun and not worrying or over thinking everything.

I took a few minutes to stretch out my body, a couple of uncomfortable cracks echoed around the kitchen. It reminded me of back when Josh and I were still sharing a bunk bed, cramped together. Every morning, I would wake up and stretch for about a solid 10 minutes, just trying to ease the stiffness from my limbs. Stretching wasn't a bad habit to get into, even if the awkward sleeping arrangement wasn't a good habit!

I grabbed a couple of ingredients from the fridge and began setting everything up. I opened Spotify, playing the music quietly so as to not wake Josh. The last few days had been an emotional roller coaster for both of us. He was surely emotionally exhausted by now, he didn't need to be physically exhausted too. I wanted him to sleep on for at least a little while longer, assuming he had time to do so.

Checking the time on my phone, it dawned on me that it was half past 10. Jenna and Tyler would be over at 11am again, so there wasn't much time before our guests arrived. I sent a short response to Jenna's dress code text.

Hey, don't get dressed up, sweats and pjs is the dress code, seeing as Josh is still asleep! If Tyler is still sleeping naked, please make sure he puts clothes on for brunch!!! Hot coffee spills would hurt!! Xx

I had to remind Jenna of the night that Josh was due to propose. When we had walked over to their hotel room to drop doughnuts off for Jenna and Tyler, Tyler had answered the door completely naked, hidden only by the door. Of course, Jenna only stated this the next day, and then tried to cover it up by saying they were about to go to sleep and that he just didn't wear anything to bed. Even Mark rolled his eyes and laughed at Jenna's naivety, as if we would believe that!

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