Chapter Two- The Unravelling

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Hey guys! So I wanted to give you a little bit of a background to Ava and give you more of an understanding as to why she acts/feels the way she does later on in the story. Don't worry, Josh and Tyler will be making an appearance soon! Any feedback is appreciated!

Evan and I had been engaged for about a month now and things worked out great for the first week or two, but things soon began to unravel again. I was working at least 12 hours a day at the studio, and Evan was slowly becoming more and more frustrated at my commitment to my job. I couldn't help it though, one of our favourite local bands had finally signed to a major label. The guys had been coming to our studio for years, so it was only fair for us to try to help them out as much as we could.

I had decided to head out for lunch when my phone began to ring. "Hello?"

"Hi, Is this Ava Klinsmann?" There was a moment of silence before the masculine voice spoke again. "I'm Dave Rose, I work for Fueled By Ramen."

"Oh, hi! Yeah, this is Ava, how can I help you?"

"Well, we need someone who is willing to travel around with one of our bands for about 6 months, but we need someone who is experienced in this department, and knows the job like the back of their hand. You came highly recommend by two of the bands we've recently signed, but also, I know your boss well. Nick says you'd be great for the role. " I couldn't help but smile.

The moment of happiness soon disappeared as the memory of Evan's disapproval resurfaced.

"Well, I'd need to talk a couple of things through with my fiancee first though."

There was a moment of silence. "Yeah Nick thought you might say that. Do you want to give it a couple of days thought?"

I sighed happily. "Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! "

Dave and I spoke for a further few minutes before deciding to hang up.


As soon as I walked through the front door of our apartment, I could hear the television turn off, and my fiance rising from the couch, walking towards me.

"Seriously? Ava, you said you'd be home by 6 today, it's half 9!"

I kicked my shoes off by the front hall. "I know, but I had a call and I have great news!"

"You found a new job?" Evan muttered dryly.

I turned and grinned at Evan. He was still in his work suit, with his top buttons undone and his tie removed. He ran and hand through his hair, raising an eyebrow at me, as if urging me to continue.

"I got offered a job based on my recommendations, but it means leaving for about 6 months to tour and-"

"Are you kidding me Ava? Grow up! Get a real job, I can get you a position as a receptionist for the company if you would just ask!" Evan's face was visibly turning redder with every word, he was almost shaking with rage.

"I love my job and you know it, Evan. I'm damn good at it and I get paid well! I don't need a receptionist job, because I am happy and love what I do!"

I wasn't going to cry infront of Evan, but I was sick of arguing over this topic.

"Fuck you, stop being a child!" He screamed in my face. I slipped my feet back into my shoes and grabbed my coat.

"No Evan, fuck you! At least I'm appreciated at work!"

"You know, you love that damn job more than you love me!"

I didn't even answer him back. Slamming the door, I ran down the stairs and began to make my way back to work.

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