Chapter Forty Six- Put Back The Power In Our Souls

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Hey guys! We are beginning to come towards the end of the story, which I'm sad about, but also very excited! The next chapter is an exciting chapter, so I can't wait to release it!

I've also started writing another story, which is different to this one in so many ways, and doesn't follow a storyline that I have ever seen used before, especially in this fandom. It is another Twenty One Pilots story, and instead revolves around another main character, though Josh is still heavily involved.

If you want to see a sneak peek or part of the first chapter, please leave me a comment!

**Just a quick note, the venue for the hometown gig has changed to the LC Pavilion, which was the venue in the original notes. Not sure why I changed it to the Basement in this chapter!**

As always, let me know what you think of this chapter of TAFL!


We spent a final day in Paris after the last show, before heading back home to Ohio again. Jenna showed me around her favourite places in Paris, from the bakery that she accidentally stumbled upon and now visited every time they were in the city, to the "Love Bridge", and finally the Eiffel tower and the exact spot where Tyler proposed to Jenna.

We must have taken hundreds and hundreds of photographs, of ourselves, each couple, best friends together and even group photos. Honestly, I was sad when the time to leave descended upon us.

One of the highlights of the day was when Jenna and I disappeared into a baby store whilst the boys were otherwise occupied and picked up a tiny pair of bibs, decorated with a little red drum pattern. I hid them at the bottom of my oversized handbag, so Josh couldn't accidentally find them. At least until we got back to the bus and I could pack them at the very bottom of my suitcase.

Once we had reached the airport, Josh and I sat looking through all of the photographs we had taken on our phones while we were in Paris. Thank God for cloud storage and external hard drives, otherwise I would never have been able to take so many photos.

I heard The Josephs sitting opposite us snickering and whispering to one another. As I looked up, I noticed Tyler snapping a photo of Josh and I, before his fingers began typing at lightening speed on his touch screen keyboard.

Just a few moments later, my phone buzzed with a notification.

@tylerrjoseph mentioned you in a tweet.

So glad my best fren found true happiness.Had the best time on tour w/ everyone, my favourite couple and my dime-piece.See ya Europe!

Accompanying the tweet was the photo that Tyler had just taken. My head was leaning on Josh's shoulder, his arm wrapped around my waist, leaning into me with his lips pressed against my forehead.

It was an unexpected sweet moment that I was grateful had been captured on camera forever.

"We make a cute couple, huh?" Josh smiled at the photo on my phone screen.

"You think we're cute? Wait until we start having babies!" I giggled before realising what I had said. My eyes shot up from the phone in my hands to Jenna, who shared a look of horror at my comment, realising my remark.

"Well baby, I told you, I'm ready to start trying whenever you are, but I thought we were waiting for marriage first? You know 'doing things in the right order this time' ?" Josh tried to keep his voice steady and his tone low to avoid the others hearing our conversation. The looks on the faces of the others surrounding us confirmed he wasn't successful in his attempt.

"Maybe that's a conversation we should have some other time? You know, like at home?" I chuckled nervously, trying to play it off as nothing serious.

There's A Fine Line Between Love And HateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora