Chapter Forty Seven- And I Hope I Can Show You What I Mean

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So this chapter is longer than the other chapters by about 1,300 words. I've tried to write this chapter over 20 times, but I can't seem to shorten it any further. I hope you all don't mind! This a chapter that I have been fond of for a long, and I hope you all enjoy it too!

Please don't forget to comment/vote etc to let me know if you've enjoyed it too!


The day of the hometown show finally arrived, and my stomach was a mix of nerves and excitement.

The last time I had ever felt nervous before a show was my very first day working for Twenty One Pilots. I guess I was experiencing Josh's nerves second hand.

We had woken later than expected, completely missing the pre-arranged breakfast get together with Ashley and a few other friends.

I could feel the movement in the bed next to me long before I opened my eyes. It was only when I heard a loud groan about 5 minutes later that finally woke up fully.

"Ava, my sister's tried to call me about 5 times... we missed breakfast. It's 1:30 in the afternoon!"

The mention of the time sent me into a panic, forcing me to sit upright a little too quickly and causing my head to spin. I clutched my hand to my head. "We should have been there at 10! Can you call Ashley and explain?"

Josh nodded and began to scroll through his phone as I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

The smell of fresh coffee filled the air downstairs, and I could hear laughter coming from the living room. Nick, Dave and Oscar were all hanging out playing Mario Kart. Nick was the first to notice me entering the room.

"Hey kiddo, you were asleep a long time! Ashley came by to pick us all up for breakfast, but you guys were still snoring when she went to check on you."

Oscar didn't even take his eyes off of the screen when he continued the conversation. "Yeah, so we all ended up going to breakfast without you guys. We figured you needed the sleep more, especially for tonight!"

I noticed Dave and Nick sharing a knowing glance, while Oscar continued leaning to the right, trying to steer his character around the bend on the pixelated track. I didn't have the chance to say anything in response before Josh entered the room.

"Hey guys! Sorry we were asleep so long, I think we're both just exhausted." Josh slung arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side, letting me rest my head against his shoulder.

"It's cool! Your sister made us come anyway, so we got to get to know everyone and we brought you back a couple of things so you have time to eat before you set up for tonight." Nick had made sure to leave a bag of items from the café in the kitchen for us. Josh was due to arrive at the LC Pavilion at about 3pm.

The show would start at 6pm, a lot earlier than the normal stage time of 9pm. I wasn't sure how long the show would last, however I knew many of the boys' friends and family would be there, including Tyler and Jenna's nieces and nephews. Perhaps that explained the earlier show time?

We made our way to the kitchen, grabbing breakfast for ourselves, and bringing a fresh pot of coffee for the guys.

As soon as Josh had finished tucking into his breakfast, he set upstairs to change quickly before leaving for the venue.

"Promise me that you won't show up until show time, okay? You've got the day off, spend it relaxing and enjoy yourself." Josh leaned in to kiss me. It was soft but passionate.

"Thank you darling, don't forget that I love you, and please, stop being so nervous about tonight, I'm sure the fans will love whatever you have planned. You don't need to worry about impressing them!"

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