Chapter Nineteen- So Bold And Fearless In The Risks We Take

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Hey guys! So the drama is about to begin, I hope you're all ready for it! Let me know if you were expecting this to happen or if it came as a surprise.

Also, I watched the Reading and Leeds live stream at home (I couldn't get time off of work to go over), and although Josh, Tyler and the crew put on an amazing show, even with the lights going out, I felt so upset watching the crowd. It was probably the worst crowd I've seen at a Twenty One Pilots show, and I hope Josh, Tyler and everyone is okay.


It was decided, at the airport- as a last minute thing. Since Josh still had his house in LA, but not back in Ohio, and I had plenty of spare room at mine, he would stay here. Besides, there was still a lot of work to be done on the house, and I could use a hand. Assuming we would manage to make time for housework, we'd been a little caught up in each other on the road, so there was no reason that it wouldn't also happen at home. Due to this arrangement, Tyler made us promise that we wouldn't fight all the time, and that he could come round every couple of hours to make sure that we didn't kill each other.

Josh and I managed to compromise with Tyler (with a little help and reassurance from Jenna too!) and agreed on him checking up on us once a day. Though even if he hadn't continued to keep an eye on us, I was sure it wouldn't be that difficult to find a replacement drummer, would it? Kidding! I knew it would be plain sailing.

The group dropped Josh and I just outside of my house, and after a little bit of rummaging through my bag, I finally found my keys, letting us inside. I'd given Josh the spare key, in case he needed in or out of the house when I wasn't there.

We dropped our bags in the living room, and began the trek upstairs. I was glad Dave had kept an eye on the house while we were away, making sure to run the water so I wouldn't end up with Legionnaire's disease or anything!

It took me a minute or two to remember which bedroom was mine, as I wasn't as familiar with the layout of the house as I was expecting. In fact, I was so unfamiliar with the house, Josh and I had to read the instruction manual to know how to set the intruder alarm! Eventually, we managed to get the alarm set up, and after that, I trudged upstairs to my bedroom, desperate for sleep.

I was so grateful that we had actually remembered to make the beds before leaving for tour. The only thing I needed right now was a cup of tea and my bed. I had shown Josh to the spare bedroom, which included an en suite with a shower and let him sort himself out.

Weirdly, there was a perfectly wrapped box by my window, with a note on it. I didn't remember it sitting there before I had left for the tour. I picked it up and read it.

~ Hey Ava, hope you had a great tour, will catch up with you once you're well rested and showered. Nick told me to leave this in your room, as he knows what you're like after you've been on the road touring. Also, check in the mini fridge. See ya soon, Dave~

I laughed as I opened my present. It was a brand new kettle, teabags, biscuits and there was fresh milk in the mini fridge. I was glad Dave had stocked up for me coming home, it was very sweet gesture. The fact that he had been contacting Nick, my old manager, was awesome too, and I was happy to see a reminder of what I was used to. I couldn't count the amount of times that we had came off of a tour or a hard-core recording session at the studios in Maida Vale, where I had been so lazy that I had brought my kettle and tea bags into my room, just so I wouldn't have to move too far to drink copious amounts of tea and relax. The memories brought a smile back to my face, I would need to call Nick soon, to catch up with him. Texting and snapchat-ing him while we were in between shows, or riding to the next venue just wasn't the same.

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