Chapter Twenty Two- I Truly Will Surrender

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The drive to the Dun household was fairly quick, or at least it felt that way to me.

The house was beautiful, perfectly manicured lawns, freshly painted house and the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through the open windows. It was clear that a lot of time and care went into maintaining the upkeep of the house. There were several cars parked outside, leading me to believe that it wouldn't just be Josh, Jordan and their parents there. I could feel my breath catch in my throat, Josh noticed this too, he took my hand and squeezed gently.

"Deep breaths Ava, you'll be fine. We aren't telling anyone about... um... junior just yet." I was grateful Jordan had exited the car about a minute before Josh spoke. I didn't want to have to tell anyone or come to terms with anything just yet. A little ignorance for a little while longer would be great.

Josh and I got out, locked the car doors and walked towards a fairly large white front door. Instead of knocking as I had expected, Jordan pushed the door wide open, and we all stepped into a long and fairly wide hallway.

"Mom, we're back!" A flurry of brown hair came rushing out of what I could only assume was the kitchen, hurtling towards us, before clinging to Josh's waist. Josh chuckled, holding the diminutive person tightly.

"Hi Mom, I missed you too!" So this was the Laura Dun.

A face appeared as she turned away from Josh's torso to face me.

"I'm so sorry, I just got a little excited there dear. I haven't seen him for a while! Call me Laura!" Mrs Dun pulled away from the hug with Josh and embraced me tightly.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you Ava, Josh has been talking about you non stop." I quirked my eyebrow at Josh, this wasn't the first time I'd heard this today, Josh had some explaining to do. Instead of replying to me, Josh looked at the floor, scratched the back of his neck, and muttered.

"Gee, thanks Mom, that was cool!"

Thankfully, before anything else awkward could be said, there was a loud yell from the front door.

"Is Josh home yet? I don't recognise the car out the front!" The owner of the voice was definitely female, and soon Ashley's face emerged, shortly followed by who I could only assume was Andrew?

Another pair of arms wrapped around Josh, in an almost crushing hug. I was pretty sure by this time Josh was ready to cry. I could see how happy he was by the look in his eyes. Josh stepped back a little and gestured to me, stood a little further along the hallway.

"Ashley, this is my- Ava. This is Ava! It's her car." I wasn't sure if anyone else had heard it, but Josh definitely wasn't about to announce just my name there. Thankfully Josh covered it up quickly and Ashley pounced on me, hugging me almost as tight as she had hugged Josh.

"Ava! I'm so happy to finally meet you! You have no idea how happy you've made my brother, we can all see the difference in him!"

I didn't know how I could have changed him or made him happier, but it made me smile either way. I peeped over Ashley's shoulder to look at Josh. He was doing some kind of bro fist- hug combo with Andrew. He pulled back and looked at me, offering a smile. He looked so happy at being surrounded by his loved ones. I whispered back so only Ashley could hear.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much your brother makes me smile. He's an incredible guy, I'm so lucky to have met him."

Everyone pulled back and Laura shooed us all into the living room, offering us drinks, as we sat down and started to exchange stories. Ashley offered to show me all Josh's baby photos. Obviously it would have been rude to decline, right?

Ashley and I sat cross legged on the living room floor, giggling at all the cute photos, while Josh looked mortified. Jordan continued laughing with us until we started to see baby pictures of him and Abbie. He soon stopped laughing then. Ashley excused herself so she could get another drink for both of us. Josh took the opportunity to sit down next to me and whisper.

"Do you reckon he or she will have the Asian eyes too?" I giggled as Josh questioned with a cheeky smile. It was so sweet that he was so curious about our tiny person. I whispered back.

"I sure hope so, it looks adorable on you. So hopefully the spud gets your looks and my sense of humour!"

Josh feigned a look of surprise, while I smirked at him. He pressed a quick kiss to my forehead, a rubbed my back a little.

"Hey lovebirds, sorry to interrupt but Abbie and dad are here. Don't worry Ava, you can finally meet both of the better looking two of the Dun family!" Jordan interrupted Josh and I's moment, carrying on his joke from the coffee shop that the younger Dun siblings were the most attractive.

After I had been officially introduced to Bill and Abbie, Laura set out dinner and we all gathered around in the dining room. The table was decorated beautifully, with individual place settings and name cards.

There was a roast chicken in the middle of the table, next to a pile of roast beef, the fresh bread, at least 3 different types of potatoes and as many vegetable dishes as Laura could squeeze on to the long table.

If I thought the table had beautiful decor, it wasn't a patch on how delicious the home cooking was. I had tried to offer Laura and Bill help with clearing the table once we had eaten the main course. Both refused to let me help, stating that I was a guest and shouldn't have to help, and just to sit down and enjoy myself.

As I turned around to leave the room, I bumped into Abbie, who was carrying a few dishes into the kitchen to help tidy up. My dress was covered in gravy.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Ava!" I shook my head, trying to assure Abbie I was okay.

"You're fine, I turned around without looking! Sorry! Which way is the bathroom?"

Abbie pointed me in the direction of the bathroom upstairs so I could try to rinse off as much of the stain as I could.

As I walked along the corridor upstairs looking for the bathroom, I overheard Josh and Jordan talking.

"So, enough about my love life, how long have you and Ava been dating?" I paused outside of the door, waiting to hear the response from Josh.

"No, no, we're not dating, we're just friends!" Jordan laughed loudly at Josh's response. I moved slightly so I could see through the crack in the door, Josh's face turning red.

"C'mon, there's obviously something going on between the two of you. You two were all over each other today, holding hands, kissing foreheads and all that!" Josh shook his head a little.

"No, I wish. Honestly, we slept together on tour and it just kind of kept going. We're still staying at Ava's house together now. I mean, I want things to happen between us that isn't just sex, but things are complicated now."

Josh put his head in his hands, waiting for Jordan's response, clearly he knew what was coming.

"What do you mean? How long has this been going on?" Jordan prompted, he didn't sound angry but he did sound concerned. I wasn't sure if this was good or bad.

"Since a week into the tour. You can't tell anyone. Not yet anyway." Josh sighed, removing his head from his hands to look at Jordan.

"I won't, just let me know what's happening. I want to help you."

"Ava's pregnant, we're expecting a baby together. So it just doesn't seem like the right time to tell her that I love her."

My first reaction was to gasp. Unfortunately, Jordan hadn't reacted yet and had heard me. Both he and Josh turned towards the door, looking straight at me. Jordan walked towards the door pulling it open to fully expose me. Josh looked like a rabbit caught it the headlights upon the realisation that I had heard every word.

"Ava, sit down. I think you two need to talk."


I loved writing this chapter! Let me know what you think!

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