Chapter Forty Two- But Deny, Deny, Denial, Oh

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We've reached 9.45k reads, which is absolutely amazing!! Thank you all so much! Again, I'm late posting by a couple of days because I've been in London, so I'm sorry for that but I'm going to start working on the next chapter straight away so hopefully there'll be fewer delays in posting!

As always, let me know what you think!


Thankfully, it didn't take long to get into the swing of things on tour again. I hadn't even been back half an hour before everyone started making jokes again. At my expense of course, at partially Josh’s expense too.

“Hey, I liked how you waited until after we'd set everything up to come and surprise us! What’s the name you Brits use… Skiver, is that it?” Murphy teased.

“Well I can't use being pregnant as an excuse to get out doing work anymore, so I have to find another way to skive!”

“So since Ava's back, are we going to have to start knocking on the dressing room doors again?” Snyder smirked, trying to get a rise out of me. I'm pretty sure Josh and I had learned our lesson from last time Mark barged into the dressing room- save private time for private places, far away from everyone else!

“Yeah, and the bathroom doors!” Fish sniggered, winking at Josh and I.

“Don't forget the bunks! It wouldn't be the first time I've opened the door and been greeted with moans from the bunks!” Flanagan laughed, fist bumping both Snyder and Fish. Jenna and Tyler also chuckled at the comments, before Tyler gave his input too.

“It’s okay, I’ve done it too guys! Just wanting to check the order of the songs on the setlist are okay with my best buddy and as soon as I open door, I’m faced with Ava’s bare ass! Nice tattoo by the way!”

“Hey, screw you guys! I thought you'd missed me, besides I was 18 and stupid. It seemed like a good idea at the time, Tyler!” I pouted, as Josh pulled me onto his lap, and kissed me before resting his head on my shoulder.

“Awh gross guys! I don't know what's worse; Josh moping around when you're separated or you guys being all over each other!” Dan pretended to shield his eyes from us, though it was obvious that he was joking.

“I'm glad you're back. It hasn't been the same having to FaceTime you just so I can have some female company with my fellow tour wifey!” Jenna laughed, Tyler nodded and agreed.

“You should have seen the amount of times my wife got all excited about something and turned to show you, only to remember that you weren't with us. I don't know who missed you more; Jenna or Josh!”

There was a loud echo of “Josh” from the guys around us, including Mark and Brad, before Jenna muttered back.

“Yeah, barely!”

When I watched Josh perform that night, he seemed the happiest he had been in a long time. He was laughing and smiling at the crowd. Mark had been sending me videos while I was busy back in Ohio working in the studio, and there always seemed to be something off with him, he seemed a little more serious; but now? Now Josh was sticking his tongue out and laughing. Even Snyder had pointed out that he seemed a little bit more animated than the last few shows.

Jenna and I sat cross legged in the wings of the stage watching Josh's drum line. It was definitely fast becoming one of my favourite parts of the show. It was amazing watching how passionate he was about drumming throughout all of their songs, but especially when it came to the Trees finale.

My heart was in my mouth every time I watched Josh and Tyler climb on top of those wooden boards. I'd seen the videos of both of them falling off into the crowd. Fans had personally sent the videos of Josh getting his shirt ripped and his hair pulled, something which normally I would have tried to avoid watching. Hell, I'd even been in Reading, helping at the festival when Tyler was attacked! He was shaken for some time after that performance, though he had tried his hardest not to let it show.

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