Chapter Twenty One- And What I Know, I Must Let Go

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After we had finished breakfast, Josh and I drove to the mall to pick up something for me to wear to meet his parents. Jordan FaceTimed while Josh was driving, forcing Josh to ask me to answer his phone while I was in the passenger seat.

"Hey, Josh is driving at the minute so I'll just turn you around so you can see him!" I manovered my body so my back was to Josh, twisting around as much as my seatbelt would allow.

"Sup bro!" Jordan laughed, waving a little at Josh, who smiled in Jordan's direction for a split second before turning his attention back to the road.

"Shall I meet you at Starbucks, I'll be heading over in about twenty minutes if that's okay?"

"Sure, if we're not done by then, you can help pick Ava an outfit. She wants to look pretty for meeting the family and she's all shy!" I couldn't help but blush as Josh told his brother.

"Joooooooosh! Shush!" I whined in retaliation. Both Duns started laughing at me as I buried my face in Josh's shoulder, trying to hide my scorching red cheeks.

We pulled up to Easton Town centre and shut off the engine, walking towards the entrance. We wandered around a couple of the smaller shops before finding a gorgeous white dress with a blue pattern, stopping just above the knee and flaring out a little. I was pretty sure that I had a pair of blue heels at home that would match perfectly with dress. It covered me up enough to be "Meeting the parents appropriate", but still looked cute. I asked Josh to wait in the area outside the changing rooms while I tried on the dress.

A few minutes later, I emerged out of the changing room and gave a little twirl for Josh. His jaw dropped, as he stood up, placing his hands on my hips. "You look stunning, Ava."

I could feel my cheeks heating up with the look Josh was giving me. It wasn't the lusty look that I had become so familiar with, it was something else entirely. Leaning down, Josh placed a sweet, soft kiss on my lips.

Josh's phone rang out, causing both of us to sigh as we parted. "Hey Jordan, yeah two minutes, Ava's just getting changed, okay. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not answering that! See you in a minute, alright, bye."

I turned to get changed back into my regular clothes, before Josh called me back again. "I don't think I've ever seen you in a dress before, but I really like it. You look great, perfect for meeting everyone."

We quickly paid, and left the store heading to meet Jordan. Josh insisted on paying for the dress, refusing to let me pay, saying it was a gift. If wasn't entirely sure if this was a friendly gift or a "You're carrying my child, thanks for that" gift.

We made our way over to Starbucks, seeing a handsome curly brown haired boy waiting outside. Josh called over, watching as who I assume was Jordan grinned and waved back. Up close, you could easily tell he was related to Josh, the same smile, same hair (as Josh's natural hair), same eyes, and very handsome too. It was sweet watching the two brothers embracing, a couple of strong pats on the back and a little laughter. It was obvious that they were overjoyed at seeing each other in person again. They pulled away from each other and looked at me.

"So, I finally get to meet the lovely Ava?" Jordan grinned a hugged me too. "Josh has been speaking about you constantly, I could show you some really cringey texts if you want?"

I liked the guy already, he seemed like good fun. Josh's face flushed red while Jordan and I shared that joke at his expense. Jordan turned and lead the way into the large coffee shop, with Josh and I following behind. I reached for Josh's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Don't worry, I know what you're like, we're just joking. You know I adore you, Joshua."

He smiled widely at this comment, his eyes scrunching up a little. "Don't worry, I can take a joke, and I adore you too, Ava."


The three of us must have spent about 3 hours in Starbucks, just laughing and joking, sharing stories of childhoods and tour life and everything inbetween. I had been so scared that Jordan wouldn't like me or that we would have nothing talk about, thankfully Jordan made me feel at ease, speaking to me as if I was an old friend.

Eventually, the laughter was interrupted by both brothers' phones ringing. From what I could hear, Mrs Dun had called Josh, and Jordan spoke to Abbie. While both boys were on the phone, I had taken my opportunity to text Nick and see when he was free for a catch up.

"Abbie says dinner will be ready in an hour and to come over any time. She's excited to meet you, Ava." Jordan put his phone back in his pocket, informing me of his phone conversation, while Josh continued talking. At least we had enough time to stop back at my house so I could find my heels and change, before continuing on to the Dun household.

Once Josh had finished his phone call and we had began to leave Starbucks to head out to the car, he had told Jordan and I that we would be expecting Ashley and her husband Andrew at the dinner too. My nerves had began to kick up a notch again as it became real that we were meeting Josh's family. Josh assured me that everything would be okay, even Jordan tried to ease the situation by joking that he was "the scariest Dun in the family" and if I survived meeting him, the rest of the family would be a piece of cake.

I left Jordan and Josh downstairs, drinking Red Bull while I tore through a box or four, trying to find pieces for the rest of the outfit. About 10 minutes later, I emerged fully dressed, make up on and a bundle of nerves. I walked slowly down the stairs, careful not to fall. Jordan was the first to notice, looking through the open living room doorway towards the stairs.

"Woah Ava, you look lovely!" Josh spun around to face me once he noticed Jordan looking in the direction of the stairs. His jaw dropped, before he pulled a huge toothy grin.

"If I thought you looked stunning earlier, I mean that a ten-fold! You look amazing, love." Josh walked towards me, reaching the bottom of the stairs, picking me up and twirling me a little. It was as if we had forgotten that Jordan was there too for a moment, before he cleared his throat loudly from behind, smirking at the two of us smiling at each other. Josh quickly let me back down.

"Uhhh... Yeah, we should probably leave now, so that we're there in time." Josh spoke softly, scratching the back of his neck as a light blush covering both of our faces.

Hey guys, I've posted this using the wattpad mobile app, so if there are any spelling mistakes, please let me know and I'll get it fixed! I'm on holiday right now so that's why I haven't been able to use my laptop and spell check everything twice! Let me know what you think!

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