Chapter Eight- We Have Problems

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Okay guys, hope everyone's well! I'm so grateful for all of you, we now have over 110 reads, so thank you so much for that! This is a pretty long chapter, and one of my favourites too. I hope that you'll all enjoy reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing this!


"Ava, you moved the snare again! What is wrong with you?" I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time today, as I heard Josh yell again. He was being a complete insufferable ass-hat lately, the fact that we had just started the tour didn't help things either. No matter how many times Jenna assured me it must be tour nerves getting the better of him, I couldn't help but feel annoyed whenever I saw Josh smiling with fans or joking about with Tyler and the crew.

"Yes, my darling dearest, I'll fix it now!" I couldn't keep the sarcasm out of my voice as I stomped towards the drum kit. Tyler sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Josh, it was fine 30 seconds ago and no-one's touched it since, apart from you. Wouldn't you have noticed before now if it wasn't right?" Josh muttered something back along the lines of "Well, I didn't need to use the snare until 30 seconds ago".

Jenna threw me a small smile and whispered something to Tyler. I moved the snare back to the "correct" place and stood back before feeling an arm drape around my shoulders. Tyler smiled.


"Hey." I muttered back, slightly embarrassed by my previous actions. Tyler chuckled slightly.

"Don't worry about it. Jenna's tired and wants to go get coffee, want to keep my dime-piece company?" I nodded, looking over at Jenna who stood by the door, waving. I could see Josh staring over to us with an unamused look on his face, probably because I was stood next to his "Best fren". Jenna nodded to Tyler, as he moved over to speak to Josh. I could see his expression drop as we left, closing the door behind us.


"What I don't understand though, is why Josh appears to expect me to reach his ridiculously high standards, then when I fail to do so, he decides to be snarky or say something. It's not as if I'm trying to piss him off!" I stirred my latte before dropping the spoon on my plate, the loud noise making both Jenna and I jump. Great, we had been here for four minutes and already I had drawn attention to us.

"It's not as bad as you think, he's just a bit awkward. Tyler's going to have a talk with him while we're out to see if he will try and open up a bit more." I couldn't help but sigh.

"I can understand if he doesn't want to be B.F.Fs, but I would at least expect him to be civil." Jenna reached across the table and patted my hand.

"I know, but just give it time. I know you two will be fine together, think of this as an adjustment period. Give it a week and we'll see how things work out." I didn't want to disagree with Jenna or be a Debbie-Downer, but I had already given it over a week. Surely that was enough time for anyone?

"Sure thing. Though I liked him better when he was touching my ass instead of snapping at me." Jenna almost knocked our coffees over when I stated the obvious.

"WHAT? When did this happen? How have you never told me this before?"

I quickly explained to Jenna about what had happened in the studio room, and how Josh gave me the cheeky grin as he did it. He looked so cute when he smiled. He also smiled when I told him about the X-Files wall piece that I wanted, maybe I could use that to my advantage and try to bond with him over it?

"Ava?" Jenna called me back out of my thoughts. "Have you told Tyler about this? Has anything else happened since?" I shook my head.

"No to both. I mean, I wouldn't mind if he would actually talk to me about it. Maybe open up a little." Jenna nodded before standing up and putting on her denim jacket, indicating it was time to leave.

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