Chapter Thirty Six...And I'll Try To Save You

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Hey guys! It's a shorter chapter today because I have an upper respiratory tract infection, which is making it really difficult to concentrate. I've been to the doctor's (because I've had this before Christmas, and Christmas day in work was awful with this sickness) and he's told me to stay off of work for a week. So if I can write more/update more during this week, I will do!

A huge thank you to both Joel and Lau for checking over this (as my head was in no place to do so!) for me, both are amazing people!

Lau also writes amazing stories, so if you like Teen Wolf, a little smut or just great writing in general you should check her out either on wattpad or tumblr as  thelittlestkitsune

Let me know what you all think!


I looked into Josh’s eyes, he looked a mix between fearful and hopeful. I'd seen this look in his eyes before, more than once. Hopefully this would be the last time I had to see it.

“I don’t know, I want to be with you again, but I’m terrified of getting hurt once more. I can’t go through with that, Josh, not after what's happened. How do I know things will be different?”

“Ava, I’m begging you, I promise we’ll take things slow, as slow as they’ll need to be. It’ll be different this time, we’ll get to know each other first, go on dates. Instead of arguing, we’ll talk to each other as soon as something we don’t agree with happens.”

I needed time to think. There was no way I could give Josh a definitive answer right now.

“How about I take you out for a date tonight? Just you and I having dinner, nothing else, nothing expected afterwards?” I could handle that, one date, no expectations, no strings attached. We would be going back and making up for the missteps that we made when we first got together, or rather, began hooking up.

“Sure, let's try that.” Josh finally smiled as the words sunk in. He looked like he wanted to kiss me, but held back, as if waiting for me to make the move. For once, I declined. We were trying to take things slow after all.

“Great, I'll pick you up at 6pm?”

“Are you going to be okay to drive? You know, with your shoulder like that?” Josh raised an eyebrow at me before laughing a little.

“Ava, I didn't drive over last night. I ran.” Josh had ran for almost 10 streets just to get to the house to see me last night? Jeez, the guy really did care. I'd have called an Uber, but I guess he just wanted to get here as soon as he could.

“Do you um… do you want me to drop you off home after we’ve had breakfast?”

“It’s okay, I'm just going to head home, I have some planning to do if we're going out tonight. Oh, and can you wear blue please? You always look beautiful in blue!” I agreed, and sent Josh upstairs to grab a tshirt and hoodie to wear for the drive home, while I grabbed a smoothie out of the fridge for him to drink.


Once I had dropped Josh back off home, I started to get ready for our date. It definitely felt weird to go back to the beginning. It wasn’t as though we were trying to forget all the history between us, spanning over the last few months, but we did seem to be trying to rewrite it.

I indulged myself in a long shower, playing music through the speakers in my bedroom, singing along loudly and slightly, (oh who am I kidding?) REALLY out of tune. Scrubbing myself all over multiple times and repeatedly lathering my hair, trying to remove all the sweat, dirt and grime I had been carrying for the last week or so. I had really been slacking on the whole personal hygiene thing, gross I know, but I’d had other things on my mind. Once I was sure would smell like a walking version of The Body Shop, I left the bathroom, shutting off the shower.

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