Chapter Twenty Nine- I Don't Fall Like I Used To

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Hi guys! Sorry for the delay, I haven't really had a chance to spell check or look at the grammar for this chapter as I've been in London, and then back home seeing my sisters and family, and only just got home late last night, so everything has been adapted on my phone not my laptop! The above picture is one of the photos I took at Alexandra Palace on Sunday night! The boys were amazing, and I can't wait until next time they play the UK! Hopefully you'll like this chapter, again it's a bit more fluffy, but there will be drama very soon!

Josh lead me upstairs to our room. It wasn't a penthouse room or anything, as far as I was aware, just a floor above the other rooms. Josh covered my eyes with his hands before unlocking the door and pushing me forward. I could immeadiately smell a mixture of scented candles and fresh flowers.

"Are you ready?" I could feel his warm breath against my neck as he spoke lowly in my ear. I didn't trust my voice right now, so I simply nodded. I was a heady mix of excited and nervous. Josh kissed my neck before releasing his hand from my eyes, allowing me to see again.

It took me a long while to take in all of my surroundings. The room wasn't so much a room as it was a suite. The entire north wall was made of large glass panes, granting a spectacular of the city, and it looked beautiful all lit up at night. The room itself was covered in a cream and black swirled wallpaper which matched the large bed which was elevated on a riser in the middle of the bedroom. There was a vase or two of fresh roses and lillies in each room, which explained the scent. The suite had obviously been decorated to look very expensive. It worked, I was in awe. It was very clear that Josh or someone else had put in  a lot of effort to get this room booked.

Josh led me over to a large table with chairs beside the windows. On the table sat an ice bucket, a small fruit basket, an iPhone/iPod dock, and a tray of chocolates. It was clear someone had gone to great lengths to make sure the room looked amazing. I peeked into the ice bucket; there was a large bottle of ice tea!

"Sorry, the hotel were originally going to put champagne in the bucket, but I explained you were pregnant, so they asked what you would like instead." It was very sweet of Josh to do so, and he did know how much I loved iced tea. Josh poured us both a champagne glass full of iced tea and fed me a couple of grapes.

"Come on, I want to try something with you!" Josh set his iPhone on the deck, grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the middle of the floor. A slow song, which I recognised as Holocene by Bon Iver, began to play over the surround system in the room, Josh stepped closer towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist, as I wrapped my arms around his neck and we began to slow dance.

"How did you learn to dance like this? You're so good at it, Josh!" I giggled as he spun me around, leaning my backwards at the right moment.

"Well, when Jenna was away picking her dress or attending her bachelorette party and so on, Tyler was taking dancing lessons. He told me that he didn't want to embarrass Jenna by not being able to dance with her properly and he needed moral support, so I went with him. You really think I'm okay?"

"Mm hm, I think you're more than okay, it's wonderful baby." I smiled, looking deep into Josh's coffee coloured eyes.

It was perfect. During the dancing, we kissed and looked into each other's eyes. We were so happy in that moment and I felt so in love.

"I just want you to know, that I'm wild about you, you mean more than anything to me." Josh pressed his forehead against my own, looking into my eyes as he spoke lowly and lovingly.

"Josh, I'm mad about you too. I know that I've never loved someone the way I love you or ever felt as much love as you have gifted me, and in such a short time too."

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