Chapter Thirty Three- Ask Your Soul If You're Alright

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When I got home, nothing had changed. I almost wanted to call Jenna to invite her over for coffee or something. Anything to stop the house from feeling so empty. It hadn't even been 12 hours since Josh had left, but the house was missing his presence already. The house was far too big just for me. I stopped myself from calling Jenna. I didn't know how much she and Tyler knew or if Josh had told anyone about what had happened last night.

I sighed heavily realising that my phone was still upstairs, as I hadn't bothered to bring it with me to work. There wasn't any need, I would have been busy all day (had Dave Rose not sent me home) and no-one would need to contact me, as far as I was aware anyway. I turned on my phone and walked out of the bedroom, and into the bathroom to take my makeup off and change back into some loungewear. I had no plans on leaving the house today, so why shouldn't I allow myself to look like shit? My phone began jackhammering against my side table with notifications and messages coming through.

I guess Josh had told someone. I checked the screen: 48 missed calls, 27 messages and 101 emails

Not including any notifications from tumblr and the other apps on my phone. There were a lot of missed calls and texts from Jordan. I opened the most recent text.

Ava please just tell me you're okay! No one has heard from you since last night and we're all worried, especially Josh. If you haven't called me by 10am, I'm going to come round and see you with Ashley. I know things are hard, but we want to make sure you're okay, we love you like you are family.

The message hit me hard. I didn't want anyone to worry, so I started to type a message back. I was about halfway through composing a text when Ashley's name appeared along with her photo on my screen. I hesitated on whether or not to answer, only connecting the call seconds before it was due to go through to my voicemail.


"Oh Ava, thank God you answered! Where have you been? You haven't been on social media for days and no one had seen or heard from you since last night. We were beginning to worry, no one wants you to be alone after... you know?"

It was sweet for Ashley to care, although I was perfectly fine on my own. I could hear either Jordan or Abbie in the background asking Ashley if I was okay. After what I'd said to Josh, I didn't expect any member of the Dun family to speak to me again.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, I just needed a little quiet time. I honestly didn't mean to worry anyone." Ashley made a small noise of agreement, possibly understanding what I meant.

"Ava, would you be okay have a visitor or two?" I could feel my breath catch in my throat, I didn't want to have to see Josh just yet. Ashley noticed the long pause, and quickly tried to explain herself. "It would be Jenna, not anyone else, don't worry."

I breathed a little sighed of relief. I knew Jenna would be worried, last time we were on a break, we were both texting each other almost constantly or hanging out, getting coffee or picking up pieces to decorate the house. I didn't even need to check my phone to see that there would be missed calls and texts from both her and Tyler.

"Sure, but I will look like crap. Sorry, I mean honestly like Professor Trelawney on a bad day." Ashley giggled softly at the silly reference.

"I'll pick Jenna up, we'll be round in 20 minutes, okay? Also, do you mind if I tell Josh that I'm coming round to see you? I just don't want him to keep worrying." He shouldn't be worried about me, I was horrible to him!

"Okay. Make him a cup of tea for me before you leave please. He likes milk and two sugars." Ashley agreed, and we terminated the call.

I headed back downstairs to the living room to tidy a little. I folded the blankets that I had left sprawled along the couch and lit a couple of candles, opening the blinds to let a little light in.

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