Chapter Forty Five- Cause I, Oh yeah, I Believe In Love

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This chapter is a little longer than normal, but I am so sorry that it took so long to get up!


There wasn’t much time for worrying as I had a job to do. Nick and a couple of others would be arriving soon and I still wanted to  help finish setting up the stage, riser, drum kit and check the sound, although Father John had told me they could set up the kit without me. I could worry about the newly discovered baby, that I was carrying, later.

Even with me having the day off of work to spend time with my friends, I hadn’t had time to think up an excuse as to why my doctor had called me, or the cause of my reoccurring symptoms, so I had been trying to avoid Josh again until I’d thought of something. So far, so good, no sign of him yet.

Josh and Tyler had an interview, which had been going on in a green room backstage for the last 10 minutes. I picked up a can of Red Bull, about to open it and take a swig when I remembered the warning on the back of the can. Sighing, I put the stimulant down, choosing to glug a bottle of water instead. As I moved to wipe my mouth dry on the back of my hand, I felt a pair of arms around my waist. Guess I spoke too soon.

“Since when have you ever turned down a Red Bull by choice?” Josh laughed, nuzzling into my neck a little. I turned around to face him, wrapping my arms around him in return.

“Ugh, I’m just a little dehydrated, so I figured water was a better idea. How was your interview?” We talked a little back and forth before Josh brought up the dreaded question.

“So what did the good doctor diagnose you with? Dr Hastings called you, right?”

“Well my anemia is back again, so that explains a lot. Y’know the pale skin, being tired all the time and the headaches.” This wasn’t entirely a lie, Doctor Hastings had confirmed that over the telephone when my blood results had returned. I had suffered from anemia when I was in my mid to late teens, so this wasn't something that was a complete shock to me.

“But does that explain the throwing up and the nausea too?” Josh looked at me with concern in his eyes.

“Oh, that? It’s nothing, possibly just a stomach flu? It happens when you get a little run down sometimes, I’ll be back to full health again soon.” That statement, however, was a lie. I wasn’t ready to tell Josh that the pregnancy tests Jenna had made me take were incorrect yet. I wanted to make sure that we were out of the ‘danger period’ first. Josh nodded in return.

“Well, make sure you drink plenty of fluids and get enough rest, I really don’t like it when you’re ill. Let me know if I can do anything for you baby, okay?” I was grateful that my phone rang out, signalling that Nick had arrived.

“Sorry baby, I've gotta go, but I'll be back in five minutes!” I pecked Josh quickly, before I excused myself from his company, and ran out of the hall until I reached the outside of the building. I ran full pelt towards Nick, jumping up into his arms and hugging him tight as he caught me.

“Woah Ava, you wouldn’t believe I just saw you 12 hours ago!” Nick laughed, letting me drop back down to the floor again. “Look who else came to see you!”

I turned around to see a tall, blonde curly haired man step forward from around the corner. It took me a few moments to recognise who it was that now stood in front of me. Last time I had seen Oscar, he was helping me move out of the apartment that Evan and I had shared. He had been a skinny, almost lanky guy with hair almost shaved completely off, whereas now, he had a lot more muscle definition. There was also a lazy smattering of heavy stubble grazing his jawline.

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