Chapter Twenty Eight- We Should Take A Day To Break Away

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Hey guys, sorry it's a little late, my internet ran out so I had to wait for it to restart damnit! So, I just want to warn everyone (hopefully not too much of a spoiler) but the story will get pretty dark and sad soon. This isn't anything new, it's actually one of the first parts of the story I wrote because I knew exactly what direction I wanted the story to go in. If anyone doesn't want to read the sad chapters, I totally understand. If you still want to know what happens without reading it, let me know and I can send you a message explaining what will happen. I know it is a little bit real for some people and it may be triggering so I wanted to make sure that everyone is aware of this. I will be putting trigger warnings and notes before the chapters and I'll be posting notes on the following chapters too in case anyone wants to avoid it completely so that you know when the sad part is over. So without further ado, onto chapter twenty eight! Let me know what you think!


"You know that we're staying in a hotel tomorrow night, right?" Jenna laughed at me, once again complaining about my back hurting from the awkward cramped positions that Josh and I were sleeping in. I know, two grown adults sharing a tiny single bunk bed and then wondering why they're uncomfortable. Let's hope our child is more sensible than their parents!

Sleeping in a hotel instead of the bus though? This was news to me, Michael hadn't mentioned it and I was absolutely certain that Josh had neglected to mention this as well.

"Besides, if your back hurts now, you are not going to be a happy lady in a couple of months time when the little one is bigger! You're going to be so mad all the time!"

It was true, I had been doing a lot of moaning lately, the feeling of almost constant sickness was tiring me out and making me even more whiney than either Josh or I had anticipated. I was grateful that the others knew about the pregnancy though. I couldn't imagine trying to hide the throwing up any more.

We were sitting on the B stage, coffees in hand, watching the guys warm up. There was definitely something about watching Josh drumming that was exciting for me. He consistently threw his all into it, no wonder he came off of the stage every night absolutely exhausted! I admired him greatly for what he did and for the love and passion he held.

"So, did you hear any of that, or were you too busy ogling your baby daddy?" Jenna's teasing snapped me back to reality. I felt a little guilty for zoning out on her, but Josh made it difficult to concentrate.

"Sorry J, you should know by now what those arms do to me. He's so bloody distracting!" At least Jenna laughed at my comment instead of being annoyed. In all fairness, Jenna did the same whenever she watched Tyler. The way Jenna and Tyler looked at each other was the human equivalent of the heart eyes emoji. Sickeningly cute, bless them.

"What I was saying was, I think maybe Josh has something planned and that's why no one's mentioned it to you? Perhaps it's a surprise?" I hadn't thought of that, I had just figured that it had slipped his mind.


Josh hadn't mentioned the hotel room at all that night, or the next morning. Instead, he waited until after he and Tyler had left to go to a radio station that afternoon before he sent me a text about our plans for the evening.

~ Wear something pretty tonight, I want to take you out.

It was shortly followed by another text.

~I didn't mean it like that, you always look pretty. I just meant I wanted to treat you tonight. xx

He was far too sweet, I ran from Josh's dressing room to Tyler's dressing room to show Jenna. I think the boys had deliberately requested separate dressing rooms after the incident with Mark walking in on us! Jenna clearly thought the text was adorable as she gushed about it, squealing "I told you so!", and wasted no time in marching me back to the bus to help me pick an outfit to wear for Josh's surprise.

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