Chapter Six (Part One)- There's An Infestation In My Mind's Imagination

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We grabbed breakfast at the studio, in the 'Hang Out' area. I sat down on one of the couches as my phone began to vibrate.

Incoming Skype call from Mr Boss Man.

"It's Nick! Does anyone mind if I take this call?" Tyler and Josh shook their heads, while Dave told me to open up so he could speak to Nick.

I opened up the app and Nick's cheery face lit up the screen. "Hi! Is this a bad time?"

He looked slightly tired, but otherwise well.

"No, we've just finished the meeting. How are you-" At this point gave took the phone off of me and began to talk away to Nick.

"So, that's your old boss?" Josh asked, coming and sitting down next to me. I nodded, slowly poking a piece of French Toast into my mouth. "He seems pretty cool, how did he take you leaving?"

"He was upset, but he took things well, he realised it was important for me to move on with things. Try something new you know." Josh chewed thoughtfully as I gave my answer.

"Maybe he didn't think you were important enough to keep."

I couldn't even answer back, I was in shock that he had said those words.

Tyler came over to join us, a plate full of food in his hands. "So, once we've had breakfast, we're coming to help you paint and decorate right?" I nodded, not wanting to say much in case I annoyed anyone else.

"It's gonna be great, we'll help you for a couple of hours then Jenna will be free, so she'll be more than happy to help too. If you don't mind that is?"

My eyebrows furrowed and my nose scrunched slightly as I tried to place where I had heard the name before. "Jenna?"

"Oh man, you didn't know? Yeah my wife. She's a dime-piece, you'll love her, she's sick as frick!" It was so sweet the way he spoke about Jenna. We got into a conversation about how they met and what Jenna was like. I more I learnt about her, the more excited I was to meet Jenna. Josh was listening intently to the conversation, even if he wasn't watching constantly. Every time I laughed, I could see Josh trying to look at us from the corner of his eyes and his ears would move slightly. It was as if he didn't want us talking or becoming friendly. If that was the case, it was going to be a long 6 months. I wasn't sure I could wait it out.

"Does anyone want coffee? I'm going to get some from the store round the corner." Josh offered. I jumped up, assuming now would be my time to see what his problem was.

"I'll come, y'know to help out with carrying all the coffee and that."

Josh looked at me as if I had two heads, "Um, sure, yeah, okay." He ran a hand through his hair, looking at me, then to the floor.

I grabbed my bag as Tyler and Dave gave Josh their orders. We walked outside, towards to coffee shop. Josh held the door open for me and let me go through first.

"Thank you." I smiled at Josh, he simply nodded whilst looking down the street.

I sighed, I was trying so hard to be polite, but this was enough. I stopped in the middle of the empty street.

"Josh," He stopped and turned to look at me, "Is there something you don't like about me? Have I done something wrong?" I realised that this came out a lot more needy than I had intended it to.

He shook his head and carried on walking. "No you're fine, I'm just tired, sorry."

Now I felt bad, I assumed he had something against me, not that maybe it was just a bad day for him.

The rest of the walk to the coffee shop was silent, neither of us saying anything, sneaking glances every now and again.

Josh ordered the coffees for the four of us. I didn't know what to say.

"I guess we should probably get the guys and head back to yours to help right?"


So this is part one, there's more to come, but I'm currently still writing it, so I wanted to get at least a little update. Let me know if you don't mind me post smaller updates more frequently, or if you'd rather I waited an extra day or so to post more full length chapters.

Thanks again for reading everyone!

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