Chapter Fifty Two- Where We're From, There's No Sun

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As promised, here is the next chapter! Yes, the title is meant as a joke about the wonderful British weather. It's currently 11.58pm and it is pissing it down here so at least it's accurate! Let me know what you think!


If I had thought that Josh was overprotective before, I hadn’t seen anything yet. He wouldn’t have eggs in the house, incase either of us undercooked them, and it harmed our baby. He didn’t want me lifting anything heavy (anything heavier than a cymbal really), he made sure that I had enough rest, and even encouraged me to take naps during the day. In fact, quite often Josh would join me in having a nap. It was sweet until he starting to keep tabs on my caffeine intake.

“Ava?”Josh began to call through from the laundry room, “Ava, why is the coffee machine running again?”

“It’s only a small one!” I yelled back. Josh entered back into the kitchen holding a pile of clean laundry, waiting to be folded and put away. He dumped it on our kitchen table, before making his way over to me.

“Honey, c’mon. You know you're not meant to be drinking a lot of caffeine. It’s bad for the baby. Can I get you anything else instead?” Josh wrapped his arms around me, I pressed my face into his chest, letting out a muffled “I know” in the process.

“It’s hard to get through the day without drinking coffee though!” I sighed, huffing just a little. Josh gave me a sympathetic look, before brushing my hair away from my face.

“Ava, would it really be so bad to start your maternity leave soon? I mean you're tired all the time, maybe you could do with cutting down your hours a little. Y’know, waking up at 9am to start work instead of 5.30am and doing a half day or working 3 days a week instead of 5? Tell me you'll at least think about it,” Josh tilted his head a little to press a soft kiss to my forehead. “I just don't want any unnecessary stress for you or our baby, okay?”

I nodded in return, it wasn't a bad idea to take things a little easier. It was coming up to my due date and Josh and Tyler had to finish off the tour in Australia. I was going to miss him terribly so we had to make the most of the time we had now.

“I'll arrange a meeting with Dave Rose to discuss it tomorrow after work, okay? I'm pretty sure he's 5 seconds away from telling me I'm starting maternity now anyway!” I chuckled a little and saw the relief on Josh’s face.

“Thank god for that, I was honestly going to call Nick and tell him about how much you're still working, at least you'd listen to him!” the sweet sound of Josh laughing filled my ears, and I joined in, agreeing with him wholeheartedly.

“Anyway, I got a surprise for you while I was out last night with Tyler… wait here!”

I stood watched as Josh ran to the cupboard in our hallway and grabbed a package, before running back to me with it.

“I know you said you were fed up only being able to wear my clothes, so I bought you something that will fit and be more your style.” Josh grinned as he handed it over.

I took the package before looking up at him, one eyebrow raised. “Joshua, if this turns out to be a mumu, I swear I will kick your ass all the way to Australia!” Josh laughed at this comment before shaking his head. “Seriously, if I end up dressed like one of those women on ‘My 600 pound life’ it's over for you, I will be a single mother!”

Josh almost looked insulted before he began laughing again. “I promise you, it's not what you're thinking. I know you'll love it and we will be raising this baby together.” Josh mimicked my tone as he held out his pinky, waiting for me to shake on his promise. I took his pinky in mine before walking into the living room.

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