Chapter Forty-One- My Pretender, My Disguise

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Any time I had a break at work, even just for a coffee break, Josh would call me. We would text each other anytime we were able to do so. Not only that, we were also on FaceTime every night, sometimes staying on the phone for several hours until one of us fell asleep.

More than once, I had woken up to the sound of Josh snoring on the video call. Another time, Tyler had texted me a photo of Josh asleep in his bunk, still clutching his phone where you could clearly see me asleep on his phone screen, the video call still ongoing.

Every single time Josh and I spoke on the phone, he'd ask me how much further we had gotten with recording the album, and when I'd expect to be finished. I continued giving Josh the same answer I always had- another week or so.

It was only really Tyler who knew the truth.

I'd been keeping Tyler up to date with how far along we were with the album, after he had caught me out. The lead singer of the band that I was currently working with, had gone to the same church as Tyler's family so they already knew each other, and had been talking to Tyler about the kind of job I was doing. So far it had all been praise.

Tyler had called me to ask how long I would expect the record to take, but as soon as I tried to give the same answer I had given Josh, allowing me to keep my story straight, Tyler stopped me almost instantly.

"Cut the crap, Ava, I've been speaking to Adam who says you'll be finished by the start of November. So don't lie to me, tell me what's happening!" Tyler's tone was a lot sharper than I was initially expecting, and certainly not a tone I was used to hearing from him.

"Shit, um okay. Well I didn't want to tell anyone just yet and get Josh's hopes up in case it doesn't happen, but we could be finished early and I wanted to fly out and surprise him. I was going to wait until the last minute before telling anyone-"

"You should have told Tyler and I straight away, we could have helped you plan something!" Jenna piped up from the background, causing me to sigh a little. I loved that Jenna and Tyler wanted to help, but surely the more people who knew, the more I risked my cover being blown, right? The last thing I wanted was for Josh to find out and then for my plans to change and delay everything.

"Don't worry, Jenna and I won't tell anyone, especially not Josh, your secret is safe with us, but at least let us help you work out how you're going to get here and which date you'll arrive?"

We came to an agreement, and as soon as I had the all clear that the record was complete, I would inform the couple, and let them help me plan the journey to Hamburg.


It only took a couple more days before I got the confirmation that the album was completely finished and that I was free to join the Emotional Roadshow Tour again. Needless to say, I was straight on the phone to Tyler, texting him first to make sure he was out of Josh's earshot. The phone buzzed back instantly:

He's in the bathroom rn, so I can talk if we're quick!

Tyler picked up the phone on the second ring and I rushed to make sure that I could give him all the information immediately.

"So I'm going be finished in an hour, I'm missing the wrap party but if it means that I get to see you all sooner then it's worth it!" Tyler laughed, only he, Jenna and Brad knew. Brad only knew because he would be picking me up from the airport in a rental car, so it would be a surprise for Josh. It would be far too obvious if Tyler or Jenna came to collect me. Brad liked to go out for long walks on his own or with Shap sometimes, so that would be believable if Tyler had to cover for him. The plan was already set up, thanks to Tyler. He had helped me with all the small details, like which airport would be best to fly into and the best time to fly in.

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