Chapter Thirty One- They Say The Ocean's Blue, But It's Black Right Now

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Hi guys, another quick chapter because I didn't want to leave you with a cliffhanger for too long.

I will warn you though, it does get dark.

If you aren't comfortable reading this, let me know and I can give you a summary of what happens in this chapter.
If you want to ask any questions about the story or characters, feel free to comment or message me, even if it's about why a character had reacted in a certain way.

If you're affected by anything in this chapter, please speak to me or anyone you trust.

*****Trigger Warnings: Death, Guns, Violence*****


Evan stood mere metres away. I noticed that there was something different about him, before I even began to think what reasons Evan had for being here. Whatever it was about him that had caught my eye hadn't fully registered with me before I was distracted by Josh's movements.

Josh had turned to look at Evan as well, checking him up and down. It was clear that although he didn't know exactly who Evan was, he had perceived him as a threat and wasn't willing to let anything happen. Josh moved so he was stood partially blocking me from Evan's view, not fully allowing Evan access to me. It was only then that I managed to find my voice again.

"Evan? What-"

"Can I help you? This is a restricted area, you shouldn't be here without a pass." Josh's eyes narrowed as he spoke, carefully watching Evan's face.  Evan seemed to ponder his words over in his head, looking from Josh to myself and back again, a strange look flitting across his face.

"Oh, I don't think one is required for what's about to happen." Evan smirked, before Josh or I could react and held a gun at shoulder height, directly in front of him.

The next few moments passed in a blur as he squeezed the trigger. It felt as if time had both sped up and slowed down simultaneously.

Three loud shots rang out. The first hitting Josh, causing Josh to fall on the floor in pain, clutching at his wound. In only a few short seconds, his face began to take on a grey tinge already. Tyler ran back towards Josh and I at the sound of the bullet being fired, instinctively trying to protect him. I didn't know where any other members of the crew were, but I hoped they were nowhere near by for their own safety.

The second bullet hit my side. I could barely register a warm sensation begin to pool in my side as I bent down to check Josh. It was clear he was beginning to panic and go into shock, which scared me enormously. I knelt beside him, holding his head and looking into his eyes. They still held a fearful look, even while they had started to glaze over slightly, his mouth open as his breath came out in short, gasping pants. It sounded as if he had a boulder on his chest, compressing his lungs and denying them of a chance to inflate fully.

"Josh, Josh I'm here. You're okay, you're going to be okay, I mean it! Tyler's here too. We need you to stay with us. Please breathe! Come on Josh, please!" I rushed the words out as quickly as I could. I needed him to be okay, it wasn't a deep wound, he'd still be okay, right? As long as we could calm him down, he'd make a full recovery right? I needed him, I couldn't lose him.

A small crowd had began to gather around us at this point. I could faintly hear someone in the crowd calling for an ambulance. It was as if my senses were escaping me, everything I heard began to fade away until the pounding heartbeat in my ears began to override every other sound. I tried to focus all my energy on Josh, who appeared to be losing blood quickly, his condition worsening with every passing moment. Tyler tied a make-shift tourniquet made from a torn part of his shirt around Josh's upper arm to try to stem the flow of blood. It seemed to slow the bleeding down a little, but he would still require urgent medical attention. There was no doubt about that.

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