Chapter 2

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"Come on! You have to go! We've been missing you!" Donna begged as I played my Mario kart.

"I don't wanna go to some stupid party Donna!"

"It's not stupid, and besides, you haven't come out with me in forever! Not to mention Kawaii-Chan also misses you"

"Donna" I sighed as my kart fell off the track, "parties aren't my place, I'm an anti-social, pessimistic introvert. I'd have no one to talk to"

"I only know what one of those three big words you used means, social!"

I sighed and facepalmed.

"Yup, you're a genius"

"I know!" Clearly not picking up on my sarcasm, Donna pulled out a dress, "and this is a dress that was practically made for you! I'm taking you out, whether you like it or not!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my beanbag chair. "Put in the clothes or I'll force you on a date with Brendon"

I groaned and went into my bedroom.

I eyed the lilac dress. It was knee length and I will admit, it looked alright. I put on the dress and slipped on my black sneakers.

"There" I huffed while crossing my arms.

"You look amazing! Now let me do your hair and make up!"

After Donna was finished attacking me with beauty products, we finally left my hobbit hole, AKA my house.

"Let's go!!!" Donna squealed as she started driving.

We arrived at a huge house. Music was blaring, people were scattered in the front lawn and lights were flashing through the windows. We entered and I immediately smelled all of the alcohol and cigarette smoke.

Donna was already off flirting with some guy, so I went to a far corner where it was the least crowded. I sat myself on an end table and pulled out the book I brought. I also plugged in my earphones to drown out the crappy music and loud banter around me.

I was really getting into my book, when I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I removed one earbud and tore my eyes from the pages they were glued to. I looked and saw a familiar head of blonde hair.

"Hey!" He yelled over the music, "its hard to recognize you without the sweats!"

"Very funny!" I tried to sound sarcastic, but it was hard over the loud music.

"Let's go out back! It's too loud here"

I reluctantly nodded, wanting to get out of the noisy environment we were in.

We walked out back and luckily there was nobody out there.

"So, i-its nice to see you again?" He awkwardly said while closing the sliding glass door.

"So you're following me around now?" I asked while walking over to the hammock.

"No, my friends dragged me here. I'm lucky I got away when I did, Laurence and Zenix were starting a drinking game"

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