Chapter: 3 Too Close

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"Hey JJ can I talk to you in the conference room for a moment?" Hotch asked. I just sighed and nodded my because I knew he was gonna give me heck for my attitude last night.

"Look Hotch Im sor-" I started but then was cut off by him.

"Jennifer." He said. I hated when people called me Jennifer in times like this because it either meant they were mad at me or just really serious. I looked up at him confused.

"Thats not what this is about." He told me. I was relieved but then anxious to know what he did want.

"Then what is this about?" I questioned.

"JJ you are a lot like the victims and-"

"Hotch no." I said sternly.

"What? You did not even here what I was going to say." He said.

"Well I think I know." I stated. "You want me to go under cover." I said.

"Jennifer please." He pleaded.

"Fine whatever." I said and left the room because I felt that he was profiling my behavior and I hated being  profiled because I have secrets like everyone else and I don't need people pressuring me into telling then about my feelings. So I put a smile on and acted like I had not just had a 'Hotch talk' as Morgan liked to call them because they were always serious.

"What was that about?" Morgan asked me. I just gave him a stare of death telling him he had 3 seconds before I shot him.  "Hey hey hey sorry don't shoot." He said while jokingly putting his hands up."

"Don't push it." I said smiling while reaching for my gun. He just smiled and then started talking to Rossi. Now I was changing into a dress because we figured out he was picking them up at bars and I was going under cover playing the target. I was wearing a blue dress that was V neck that went down to my knees with hoop earrings and my hair up in a lose bun. I was thankful that my scar only went from my chest to my hip instead of my collarbone to my hip otherwise I would not be able to where anything.

I spotted a man that looked like the unsub and started talking to him. He followed me out the back and since we had to be sure he was guilty I had to go a little longer.

"Hey you are beautiful." He said except he was not even drunk. He touched my shoulder and I told him not to touch me. "Its fine" he said while trying to get closer."

"No stop actually." I said sternly but I could tell he was not taking no. He pushed me against the wall and tried to punch me when...

"Hey stop FBI!" I heard Reid yell. The unsub took a swing at my stomach and I felt it as if everything had just been taken out of my stomach, jumbled up, and put back in again. I tried to pretend it did not hurt so they would not make me see a medic. Morgan had shot the unsub and medics where around his body but Morgan had only shot his leg.

Of course Morgan forced me into seeing a medic anyway.

"Morgan no stop I don't want to." I argued. He won in the end though. I lifted up my shirt so the medic could see my rib where I had been punched because I knew she would ask me to and I hated taking orders from anybody. I stood there not looking at anyone letting her take a look I had a annoyed look on my face. I could see Morgan stifling a laugh back.

"Morgan you made me." I argued.

"Yeh but you look really mad right now." He laughed.

"Yikes this guy was strong if I did not know better I say you had a baseball thrown at you." The medic stated.

"Okay but I'm fine" I said while lifting down my shirt. I punched Morgan while walking by and did not look but I could not help but smile and then kept walking.

"Ow she is strong." I heard him say before I got into a SUV. Rossi drove with me in the passenger seat and Emily and Reid in the back.

"Hey Jayje?" Reid asked.

"What Spence?" I answered back with a question.

"You good?" He asked

"Yes Spence I'm fine" I said while smiling. I was lying but not at the same time. I was physically from the punch but I could not stop thinking about the case and all my bad memories kept flowing back...

The jet.

I sat on a chair by myself just looking out the window. Then Emily came and sat beside me.

"Whats bothering you Jayje?" She asked.

"What are you talking about?" I said with gritted teeth while still looking out the window not wanting to look at anyone.

"C'mon Jayje I know you, you aren't right." I just sighed.

"You know I really hate profilers right?" I said turning to her and trying to change the subject. It of coarse did not work.

"Jayje it does not take a profiler to see that something is bothering you." She said.

"Whatever." I said. I just sighed and turned away again trying to separate myself from her, from everyone, from reality.

Standing Under Clouds/Jennifer Jareau/Criminal Minds fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now