Chapter 40: Lung Poppers

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The human voice can reach the distance that is covered by the still, small voice of conscience.
-Mahatma Gandhi

"There was some sort of bacteria or chemical released into the air. We can't figure out the source. Its deadly though. We know that much." This all what Hotch told the team in the briefing room.

"How many deaths?" Morgan asks.

"Twenty seven out of the thirty who caught the disease. The three of them are in the hospital not expected to make it much longer." Hotch says.

"Do we know where these people caught the disease?" I ask.

"Well we believe it was at a small lake near a park. They all seem to have been there just one week before." He says.

"So wait? It takes an entire week for pthese people to start showing symptoms?" Morgan says.

"Well not exactly. You see they did get sick, but they all just thought they had caught a really bad flu. Most of them checked into the hospital about a week later when the illness got more intense." He explains.

"And this happening... Here?... In DC?" Emily asks.

"Yes." Hotch confirms.

"Has any of this been released to the press?" I ask.

"A few bits and pieces have been leaked but as far as the media is concerned... they're just rumors." Hotch explains.

After visiting the hospital where only two of the patients remain because one died when we were on our way. We learned that the last two victims are expected to live. One is eight and the other is eleven. They were the only children to be infected with the illness, and the only ones to survive, but just barely. Which tells that if treated properly, strong, healthy kids have a all chance if fighting it. The doctor said that at first the kids had a 25% chance of living when everybody else had about 30% which were all average young adults, adults or elders. But as time went on the kids pulled ahead with a 67% chance and now they are both expected to live.

"Hey Hotch?" I say approaching him and looking at a file.

"Yeah Jayje." He says.

"Did we ever find out the illness these people were infected with?" I say.

"No, but all of the victims died from swelling of the lungs. Doctors have never seem any thing like it before." He explains.

"Swelling of the lungs?" I ask unclear of what it is. "And that is?" I say asking for clarification.

"Their lungs swell and get bigger until the basically explode." Reid says. I don't believe what I'm hearing. How long could it be until the next attack? Suddenly I remember something... Jason. If he got infected I don't know what I would do. That would be... Horrible.

"You guys we have to tell them!" I all of the sudden burst out while flinging my arms up in the air. Luckily its only Hotch, Reid, Morgan, and Garcia in the room. Although Garcia looks rather terrified.

"Wow wow JJ. Who?" Morgan says putting his arms up in front of him cautiously.

"The media! They have to know! Its-its not fair!" I say starting to freak out. I don't even know why I did it, it was like my body responding and not my mind. I couldn't do anything to stop it.

"JJ? What are you going in about?" Emily says. Finally I am able to control myself and I work things out.

"I don't know." I say face palming myself. "I just-" I say and sit down while letting out a big huff of air. Hotch silently  gestures for everybody to leave the room, except for me of corse. He walks up to me.

"What happened to you?" He asks sympathetically. I look up at him confused.

"I don't recognize you anymore." He says. I look up at him.

"Like I care." I say like a teenager rebelling. I stood up and stormed out if the room. Before completely walking out the door I turned around.

"There's nothing wrong with me. Now stop worrying." I say sternly and I think I had a hint of sass in my voice. Then, I left him in the room, alone. I can't have Hotch taking me off this case. I see Reid pinning what little information we have on the bulletin board.

"Working on the profile?" I say as I walk up behind him and put my hands in my pocket. He turns around.

"Yeah. Have you guys checked out the crime scene?" He asks.

"Uh yeah well Morgan and Em just left I think." I say.

"Okay tell them to look for any kind of hidden messages." Reid says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"This guys smart. He is not doing this for no reason." Reid says.

"How do you know? I mean of course you know because you're Spencer... But how?"

"This sickness slowly makes people's lungs swell until they pop." He says.

"Eww painful." I say cringing and walking to my desk thats not in my office. He nods in agreement and keeps working.


Later I get up to grab some coffee. I have been up all night and its 3:24 am. I cannot function at this hour without coffee. I start to walk to the machine but somebody bumps into me from behind.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry." A deep voice says. I turn around. Its a white male with brown hair and green eyes who looks a lot like Jason.

"Its fine. I'm SSA Jennifer Jareau." I say shaking his hand.

"Kenneth Krycek." The male says...

A\N: Hey ya'll! Anyway the video at the top is from epsiode "Coda" Its actually Emily's last normal episode before her thing with doyle.

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