Death part 1

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~2 hours after Emily calls Hotch~

Emily Pov

~at the BAU-

As soon as the news gets to everyone that JJ has been abducted the first thing we do is call Jason to see if he knows anything. I am the one to make the calls. I try his home phone first.

"Ring ring ring ring ring" no answer. I then go to call his cell

"Ring ring ring~ hello?" I hear someone pick up... but it's not Jason. His voice is deep and cold and I can only imagine the sinister face that goes along with it.

"Who is this." I say.

"Who is this?" He says.

"I'm with the FBI." I say.

"Oh well then you'll be interested in what I have to say."The man says. I gesture to Hotch and Garcia to start recording the call and tracing it.

"I'm not so sure about that." I say to him.

"Oh reaaally?" They way he says it makes me cringe. "Well I would like you to know I have Jennifer Jareau as well as her little "friend" Jason Krycek." He says. He doesn't even pronounce Krycek right he says it like Crysek.

"Care to share anything more." I say.

"Well I can't stay long but you should know you have 12 hours to make up 1,000,000 dollars or we kill Jason and Jennifer gets transported across the country. You have 11 hours to call this cell phone number (--- --- ----) or else this will be carried out.

"Don't you think 1,000,000 million dollars is a little unrealistic." I say trying to keep him on the line.

"Your the F-B-I... figure it out." He stretched his words at the beginning saying the F, B, and I individually and slowly and then almost whispers the last part quickly and hands up. I look over to Garcia to see if she got a trace. She nods.

"It's at an abandoned warehouse just outside of DC." She says.

"Let's go." I say. Hotch, Morgan, Reid, and I all get suited up. Rossi stays to help Garcia incase something goes wrong.

The drive is fast and silent besides Garcia and Hotch talking back and forth over he phone. Garcia giving him directions. After what I put to be roughly around 12-15 minutes the car comes to a stop outside a warehouse. We also have swat agents everywhere. We spare no time and run right up to the door. Swat breaks it down and we run inside. There are 3 men waiting right in there which 2 of the swat agents eliminate quite quickly. But there is nobody else in the building.

"We missed her." Morgan says. And I realize that if we had been quicker then we would have gotten to her. But I mean maybe she was never here in the first place. I look around the room a bit more. I come upon something... a body.

"Hotch!" I yell. He comes over. I look at him in despair. He looks shocked. Morgan comes over gets an angry look on his face.

"I can't believe we let this happen to our friend." Morgan says angrily.

"Morgan there is nothing we could've done." Hotch says. "Nothing."

"No Morgan is right if we had just gotten here quicker." I can't help but letting a few tears drizzle down my face.

~To be continued to part 2~ 

Standing Under Clouds/Jennifer Jareau/Criminal Minds fanfiction.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ