Chapter 31: Karliah

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Worse than telling a lie is spending your whole life staying true to a lie...
-Robert Brault

Karliah's POV:
"Please please let me go I wont tell anyone." I say while crying. My ankles are in chains so I can't get away. I lay on the cold hard ground of the enclosure I'm in.

"I told you to stop bothering me!" He says agitated.

"Just please-" He cuts me off.

"No! I guess of you're not gonna shut up then Dake is gonna have to do it!" He says agrily. Dake is his dog. He's a big Rottweiler.

"No no I'm sorry please." I cry.

"Okay fine because you are the only one who's ever apologized." He says. It makes me sick to hear him say the only one. Has there been others? Am I just part of his sick game? Why does he want me? My head is becoming overflowed with thoughts. I'm not the kind of girl to just take somebody bullying me but I know that I can survive this. And surviving this mean that I have to do whatever he says. I have to play into his little fantasy. My dad was always terrified that something like this would happen to me. He taught me everything that would help me survive during a situation like this. Sometimes learning about it was scary because he told me about the things I would have to do to survive, and that meant doing everything, absolutely anything he said.
My mother hated him teaching me about it so much she divorced him after 7 years. because she said 'what are the chances of her getting kidnapped? Chances are that she is gonna grow up fine and having to he scared by this for no reason.' I would always respond with 'it doesn't scare me.' Even though it always did.

Back at the BAU we were doing everything in our power to save Karliah.

"Hey Spence how you doing in the profile?" I asked as I walked into the room that the PD let us use. It felt nice to finally be talking to him, calling him Spence again.

"Oh hey JJ I think I'm almost ready with it." He says while still working away.

"Okay lets present it." Is as I walk out.

Once we're ready to present the profile we gather everybody in the case into the front area if the Police Department.

"Okay this guy is probably a caucasian male. He will kidnaps children which could either mean he has some kind of access to kids." Rossi starts.

"It might also mean he's not strong. He can't take on a average size person so he preys in children instead." I say.

"This guy is gonna seem totally normal. He probably drive something big, but not big enough to stand out." Reid chimes in.

"The unsub may not of even really been planning on having it go this far, but after his first kill the adrenalin was so high he did it again." Emily explains.

"Excuse me you are referring with the word 'unsub'." One of the officers who is writing down notes asks.

"Unknown or unidentified subjects. The killer." I say explaining like its completely obvious. She nods and writes another note in her book.

"When you talk to this guy he will seem completely normal which leads us to believe he is high functioning mentally ill man." I say. We continue with the rest if the profile.


After we finish giving the profile Morgan come up with an idea.

"Hey you guys the profile says that even after we catch him its not gonna be hard to get him tell us about the girls because he wants the attention." Morgan says.

"Okay what are you saying?" I question.

"Well you see we could make a press conference and pretend that we caught the unsub." I then catch on to the idea.

"Oh and then he would surely come forward." I say.

"Bingo." Morgan says. Hotch agrees with us so I start working on getting the press conference started.

Karliah's POV:
I' in a different room than before, its totally dark. I see that I'm in a box. There is a trap door at the top which is the only exit and its probably locked. I cant see anywhere outside the box either. Its only tall enough for me to sit up in. Its made out of steel. I have my watch which is still on and functional. I've been here for almost 2 days. My skin is caked with dirt. My fingernails feel like there going to fall off. I don't think I can take much more if this. All if a sudden I here somebody walking above me. It sounds like they're pacing back and forth. I hear him talking.

"They got the wrong guy." He says pacing back and forth.

Spencer's POV:
I'm waiting at the phone for any calls when one comes in.

"Hello this Great Falls Police Department hotline." I answer quickly into the phone.

"You got the wrong guy." A man says in obvious distress. I make a signal fir Garcia to trace the call. I have to try to keep him in the line.

"I can assure you we didn't." I say.

"Oh but I can assure you that you did." The voice says. Hotch then gives me a signal to let me know that we've got him. Right as he does the line goes dead.

Lets go save that girl...

A/N: Hey guys! I don't have much to say except that I would love fir you to give me ideas. I don't get why nobody comments because I comment on like every story I read.😢 Anyway thanks:
shipjeid101 blackbirdjeid

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