Chapter 5: Doubt

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Pretend that JJ's mom lives in texas!
"Miss Jareau I am sorry I have to be the one to inform you of this but you guys have to go to Texas." Strauss said in a serious tone.

"Okay ma'am? I don't think I understand you concern?" I question.

"Well its a stream of murders and your mother was just attacked." Strauss said while softening her tone of voice. When I heard those 5 words that told me my mother was just attacked I had to hold back the fear and tears that started threatening to escaspe.

"Is she okay?" I ask while gritting my teeth and looking at the floor.

"She is alive but I am afraid she is not doing very well." Strauss said with a look of sadness that might of actually been sencere.

"Are you here to take me off the case?" I ask

""Actually I'm not but if the fact that your mother was the only surviving victim effects how you work I will bot hesitate to." She says going stern again.

"Yes ma'am of coarse." I say. At that point I just quickly got out of there with tears at the brim of my eyes threatening to fall. I held them back though an just kept a serious look on my face. I am supposed to be strong. I have to be... At least I have to learn to act like it-especially when working with profilers.

On the jet.
We had just finished briefing the case and I was sitting with Rossi and Morgan, Emily was sitting with Reid playing cards (she was the only one that could ever beat him.) , and Hotch was reading a book. I saw Rossi staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing you are just truly interesting." He says still examining me. Is he profiling me?

"Are you profiling me?" I ask. Even though I don't think he is I ask him anyway.

"No no." He assures me.

"Then what are you doing?" I say. I cant help but just let out a tiny smile.

"Hey JJ?" He asks


"Are you superhuman?" He says in a curious tone still looking at me but not making eye contact.

"Ha yah if the sky was purple." I joke.

"Then how does this not make you freak out or something?" He asks.

"Well what do you mean by freakout?" I say with a smile on my face.

"Cry, scream, kick, have a mental breakdown." He says thoughtfully.

"I am doing all that right now." I say

"Oh?" He says gesturing for me to continue.

"Its called a mental freakout." I say still smiling trying not make this serious because I hate it when people question my behavior and are serious about it.

"Well I am glad I am not in your mind." He says jokingly.

"Yeh me too." I say under my breath and looking out the window.

Hotch's POV

After arriving in Texas I assigns the team their jobs. Reid and Rossi you go to the crime scenes, Emily and Morgan you go to the Texas PD and JJ and I will go to visit the surviving victim and then the coroners office. I give JJ a smile because I knew she would have wanted to be assigned to her mother but she just looks away. I am worried about her she needs to let something off her chest and I know it. Its not just about some boy which I can thats what Morgan and Garcia think its about. I need to talk to her and soon.

We enter the hospital room where my mom is staying and I just kneel down beside the bed and hold her hand.

"Whats wrong with her?" I ask the doctor.

"Well you see the bullet severed a part of her brain. It only did not kill her because it just skidded the rim of her brain. Im afraid she in a medical state between life and death called a coma. We have not determined whether she is expected to wake up or not.

"Why we not informed of her condition?" Hotch asks.

"Because it just happened this morning." She told us. That was it. I could not take anymore of it. I just left the room. I sat on a chair in the waiting room and just let it all out I just cried.

"Hey JJ?" Hotch came out as he said my name. He just patted me on the soldier and asked me if I wanted to be alone with her. I nodded and went into the room.

"Hey mom I am not sure if you can here me but I just wanted to say I love you. Well I guess you already know that don't you?" I say while laughing a bit, tears still on my face. I tell her everything I am feeling and I am about to tell her why. "Mom I need you to know som-" I start but quickly jump and stop my self from telling her when Hotch talks.

"JJ we need to go to the M-E office." He states. I put my head in my hands for a moment and then look up at him.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask.

"Don't worry JJ I just got in here." He assures me.

"Promise?" I ask.

"Yes but JJ you know you can tell me anything and I will not judge you of tell anyone right?" He reassures me.

"Hotch no I ca-" I start, but then I am cut off by him.

"Yes JJ you can." He says. Whatever your struggling with just tell me." He says. You know what whatever if he wants to know then whatever I am done pretending. I don't wanna when my mother could hear us though.

"Hotch can we talk about it later?" I ask

"Yes but we should be really heading to the coroners office. He says like he knows I am about to change the subject anyway.

A/N: Wow 1007 words. I do like writing long chapter and I hope you guys like that. I just want people reading this to know that I get a lot of inspiration from blackbirdjeid , jeid_4life , lindsayk2503 ps this is not a jeid fabfiction I just luv😍 these writers and I luv😍 there stories.
I luv tips for the future... Bye!

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