Chapter 30: Kidnapping

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Find the place inside where theres joy, and the joy will burn out the pain...
-Joseph Campbell

Its 4:30am and I type the words into the BAU text group. 'We have a case😒' Is whatI type into my phone. Nobody responds but I know there coming. I enter the conference room and get set up for the breifing. I lay out the Ipads and files around the table, and set up the monitor. Once I finish setting up I walk out to see Emily sitting at her desk.

"Hey Emily." I say to her. I realize she has a very annoyed look on her face.

"Hey." She mumbles back. I take a step closer.

"Whats wrong." I say worried.

"Nothing but Reid hit me in the head with one of those cap things." She says jokingly. I nod and smile then walk up to Spencer.

"Physics magic?" I joke at him. He looks at me and then gets a surprised look on his face.

"Oh uh um yeah." He says like he doesn't know what to say. I gesture for him to stand up.

"Come here." I say with tears almost in my eyes as he stands up. I'm not sad though because I'm smiling. I pull him into a hug.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles while hugging me.

"I'm sorry." I say smiling and pulling out of the hug. "I'm sorry Spence." He smiles and we stare at eachother. You see to be in love you don't have to be lovers. Sometimes you just have to to be friends. Loving somebody is just putting somebody before yourself.

"I love you." I say while we hug again. I still have tears in my eyes.

"We're a family." He says smiling and pulling out of the hug. I see Hotch out of the corner of my eye, he's smiling. I know that everybody wanted us to make up. I guess Spence did too.

Once we are all in the briefing room we don't start it right away. We talk for about 3 minutes.

"I uh see you two made up." Hotch whispers to me while everybody else is talking. I just nod back to him.

"Okay lets get started." I say while handing Garcia the remote. I let her do it now because that was her job while I was gone.

"Okay my furry friends you guys are going to Great Falls. 2 children have been kidnapped and killed in the last 3 weeks and this sicko just got his third. They are kidnapped and the 3 days later found dead. Melani Picket was the first victim, caucasian, blond hair, brown eyes, nine years old. The next victim was Kliane Kart, caucasian, red hair, green eyes, 11 years old. Both these girls were found with bruises in several places and bruises around there ankles. The ME report said that neither of the girls were drugged which means that they were aware of what was happening the entire time." She explains.

"Is this guy a sadist?" Morgan asks.

"Uh no but the ME found something else pretty disturbing." She says trailing off.

"All of the victims had bite marks... They're still trying to figure out if there animal or human." I say. He looks surprised.

"Who is the most resent victim?" Emily chimes in.

"Oh that would be Karliah Elisif. She is 12 almost 13 years old. She has brown hair, blue eyes. She was kidnapped only 2 hours ago." She says.

"You guys all no that statistically the first twenty four hours are crucial to a children abduction case. Wheels up in ten." He says while walking out of the room. Usually he would say 'wheels up in thirty' but since we're fighting against the clock we have to be fast.


Once we're on the jet I look though my case file. The two girls bodies were found in totally random spots. The first victim was found behind a grocery store, then the second was found be hind 'The Albertans Hotel' on the outskirts of town.

"Hey we are close to Canada. Could he be from there?" I ask not really pointing the question towards anybody.

"Actually JJ I am guessing he probably is." Hotch says in his usual serious tone. I cannot imagine how scared that little girls is right now. Well actually I can but she is only a little girl. I can't wait till we find her... Alive.

A/N: Hey you guys. Just so you know I am gonna write a tiny but in Karliah's POV. I just want you to have some insight on this unsub. Anyway Karliah is going to be a pretty usual part for the next few chapters. I wanted this case ti be different. Anyway here is a pic of Karliah.

Thanku: CriminalMinds11 blackbirdjeid

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Thanku: CriminalMinds11 blackbirdjeid

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