Chapter 33: Private Jet

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Every man has secret sorrows which the world knows not, and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.
-Henry Longfellow

The jet ride was calm and peacful. Hotch sit across from me, Emily beside me with Spence across from her. I get a text.

Hey busy tonight?

I read as I look at my phone. I text back.

Nope the jet should be landing soon.

Wait what jet? You're on a jet?!

Yep a very nice private one😎😏✈️

I text back jokingly while giggling at my phone.

"What you so happy about?" Emily says jokingly as she playfully punches my arm. My phone then buzzes again.

Okay girl you got a lot about your self that you don't let on

I'll talk to you about it tonight.


One time when we were hanging out we both decided that yellow heart means friendship so now he sends it alot. I put my phone down and look at Emily who is staring at me and smiling.

"What?" I ask. She just smirks. I stick my tongue out at her like a little kid. She laughs in response until Spencer joins the conversation.

"What you guys laughing about?" He asks curiously.

"Oh nothing." I say while still smiling. Of coarse though he doesn't get it and spits out a fact.

"Well I find that truly hard to believe because the amount of energy cause by your current laughing would actually be to much to regularly be about nothing, therefore you would logically have to suffer from gelastic seizures." Spencer says all at once, not stopping for breath or punctuation.

"How do yow know that? Is gelastic even a word?" I say not suprised.

"Well that could technically be a matter of opinion. See gelastic does not actually appear in most dictionaries, however it is really a word used for Hypothalamic Hamartomas." He says. You can hear his voice starting to get higher as he starts to get more excited.

"I probably should of just not asked." I say sacrastically. He blushes. I punch him in the arm playfully and laugh. Once again my phone buzzes. I see another text.

How much longer?😥

Since when did you sign JK?

Well you're JJ so I should be JK.

Oh brother. Okay whatever "JK"

I turn my phone off and then get a call. I stand up and walk away from the rest of the group and pick up the phone. I answer it automatically assuming its Jason.

"Hey Jas-" I starts but am cut off.

"Jennifer Jareau?" A voice asks.

"Uh yes, who am I speaking with."

"Melani Kayoe." The voice says.

"Melani? I have not spoken to your for ages why are you calling me?"

"Well you see my daughter, Jamie just went missing. Do you remember Jamie?"

"Well yes of coarse I do. What happened?"

"I don't know but the police aren't doing anything and I heard that you worked for the FBI and so I decided to call you."

"Look I'll see what I can do, and also Melani."


"It is so nice to hear your voice. Where have you been? Ever since uh it happened I haven't seen you."

"I know because Jamie wasn't taking it well and you know we moved."

"I know, I know."

"Thats long over though."

"I know it still hurts though."

"Okay well give your mother my love, bye." The voice says and then the line goes dead.

"Bye." I say to myself while walking back towards the team.

"Who was that?" Emily asks.

"Oh it was somebody I used to know a long time ago. Twenty one years ago." I say.

"Wait how old are you?" Emily asks.

"Thirty two, why?"

"So you knew this person when you were... Eleven." Emily says while counting her fingers.

"Yeah, anyway Garcia and I were wondering if you're free saturday." I say while looking at my phone.

"Yeah sure." Emily says while shrugging.

"K I'm texting her right now." I say while punching in letters.

Em's free👍

I text to her. She texts me back right away causing my phone to buzz.

Okay its a date

She texts me back.

"It only took her 4.6 seconds to respond." He says absently.

"So?" I say not impressed.

"She just broke her record. It used to be 4.8 seconds." He says while adding it up in his head and then coming to the conclusion. Me and Emily both shake our heads in disapproval that he knows that.


Later that night I take the elevator up to my floor. Once the elevator comes to stop I step out. I walk up to my door and insert the key inside the lock. I'm about to turn the doorknob when I get the living daylights scared out of me.

"Hey JJ. Guess who?" Somebody says suddenly while putting their hands over my eyes. I jump at first to the touch and then ease.

"Hmm? Let me see. Might it be... JK?" I say lauging. The person gives me a friendly hug from behind.

"Yes. Anyway I believe I got promised a explanation." He says.

"Okay fine." I say smiling and pulling him into my house with me. I like hanging out with Jason because nothing is ever awkward with us. I don't have to worry about mixing work with my personal life because he doesn't nor want to know about my cases and be only wants to meet my colleagues if I'm okay with it.

"Okay so why where you on a private jet?" He says confused while sitting on the couch.

"Okay well the BAU uses it for the cases because this guy names David Rossi who was retired after becoming a famous book writer and million air bought it for the BAU. He works with us again now.

"Wow." He says amazed. I giggle at it.

"You're cute." I say while standing up.

"I know." He says standing up. He starts to walk to the door. I follow behind him. Another thing I like about Jason is that he had a bunch a different nicknames for me like Dork, Poptart, Sweets, Dimples, and my favourite-peanut. His favourite to call me is poptart though. I like it too because I did used to have a slight obsession with poptarts... He doesn't know that though. Before he walks out the door he starts to say something.

"Hey popt-" He starts to say while turning around but I cut him off by giving him a kiss. Not a long one. Just a peck. A friendly one. After I do he gives me a hug.

"See you Jellybean." He says while smiling and walking out. Wow he just made up a new nickname on the spot! It was just a friendly kiss... Right?

A/N: Okay guys sorry for the length. I just didn't know where ti end it. Bye!

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