Chapter 23: Jason Krycek

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There is sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They are messenger of overwhelming grief and unspeakable love.
-Washington Irving

Guys just so you know JJ is aloud to be back in her own house I think that I forgot to mention that!

I stand in the bathroom avoiding looking at myself in the mirror. I feel my nervousness coming on again and realize I forgot to take my pills. I rummage around in my purse trying to find then.

"Gotcha." I whisper to myself while taking the pills out of the purse. I look at the prescribed dosage, 1 pill at morning and evening. I grab out 3 pills and pop then in my mouth.

"Screw what the doctor says." I whisper under my breath while walking out of the bathroom.

"What was that Jayje?" Emily asks curiously.

"Oh nothing sorry!" I answer too quickly.

"Uh okay whatever?" She says a little like a question.

"Anyway lets start the movie." I say trying to change the subject.

"Oh yah okay." She says playing the movie. After a couple minutes the drugs start to kick in and I start to calm... Until we get further into the movie. Its about a girl who got'saved' from a disease and wakes up in a bunker with 2 males, one old one young. The younger male thinks the guy is safe, but the girl has slight suspicions. The girl realizes that she has been kidnapped by the older male and he has killed a girl before her. I know that it was just a movie but painful memories start flooding my mind. I start to act as calm as possible but I am sitting with a profiler. I quickly get up and go to the bathroom.

"Jayje you okay?" Emily calls. I puke into the toilet. After I'm finished I open the door.

"Yeah I'm fine sorry." I apologize. I see Garcia running up to the bathroom.

"Oh my goodness JJ! Are you pregs?" A very excited Garcia asks.

"Oh good heaven no." I say smiling. Her smile quickly fades.

"Then whats wrong?" Emily asks.

"Nothing can you just give me a minute?" I ask politely, they both nod and leave. I take as many pills as I can without killing myself, 6 to be exact. I need to calm down. I walk out and sit back down. A murder could probably walk in and shoot his gun and I would still be calm.


Around 10:30 me and Garcia leave.

"See ya Jayje." Emily says to me.

"See ya Em." I reply smiling. Me and Garcia walk to the parking lot together. We make small talk on the way to our cars.

"So any one knew?" I ask Garcia.

"No not really you?" She asks smiling.

"No." I say quietly.

"Hey any ideas on what our next case will be?" She asks.

"Yep I am deciding on 2 right now, we will know by tomorrow morning." I say.

"Ugh, you guys never get a break, especially you and Hotch." She says in a complaining but sympathetic tone."

"Yep but work is work!" I say in a sarcastic enthusiastic voice. We both laugh.

"This is me." I say pointing to my car. We both hug and then say goodbye.

Once I get to my apartment building I start to make my way to my house on the 3rd floor. I stepped into the elevator with another kind man. I had never seen him before, odd.

"What floor?" He asks.

"3." I say smiling.

"Oh me too I just moved here." He sats nicely.

"From where? If I may ask." I say politely.

"Utah." He explains.

"Oh neat, I have only ever been there on cases." I say as of he already knows me.

"Cases?" He asks curiously.

"Oh never mind, forget I said anything." I say quickly. I don't want to tell him I work for the FBI just yet. I feel like when people know that I am a Agent that it just scares them away.

"Okay I will." He says with a smirk on his face. I smile back.

"So care to tell a name?" I say playfully.

"Jason Krycek." He says enthusiastically.

"Jennifer Jareau, but my friends call me JJ, you can call me JJ." I say kindly.

"So your calling me your friend?" He says cheekily.

"Maybe." I say biting my lip.

"Jennifer Jareau are you flirting with me?" He asks in a flirting tone.

"Maybe." I say jokingly as the elevator opens and I walk to my house before he can respond.

A/N: Yo guys! :). What do guys think just happened with JJ? Did she really like this guy or was it because of the drugs?

Standing Under Clouds/Jennifer Jareau/Criminal Minds fanfiction.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora