Chapter 8: Secrets and Lies

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The next morning at the PD.

"Hey Jayje?" Emily says while walking up to me with to coffee's on her hand. She passes me one and sits down beside me.

"Thanks." I reply hoping she is just gonna help me on the files.

"Wanna talk about last night?" She asks while looking through a file.

"What do you think?" I say under my breath." Why does everyone have to be so pushy! My mother just died. I feel like yelling at everybody but I keep my feeling pushed down where they cant be found, even by me.

"Jayje-" She starts but I cut her off. At this point I don't care if I am being a tad rude.

"Emily no." I say whispering in a stern/whisper yelling voice I did not even know I had.

"Look I don't wanna talk about it."I say through gritted teeth while in edge of crying. "And you know what Em? Maybe I never will." I say while throwing my hands against my sides and storming away.


I was interrogating a suspect and trying to get him to break. He was getting in my head though, he could tell I was weak and he was using it against me.

Hotch's POV
While JJ is interrogating the suspect realize it's my only chance.

"Guys in here please." I say to my team (except JJ.) while gesturing to a empty conference room. My team follows me into the room. I did not want have to do this but I have no choice.

"I suspect you guys know why we are in here?" I say.

"Is it about JJ?" Reid asks me in a sad tone." I had not been to sure if Reid had noticed but I guess he has.

"Yes it is." I say.

"What do you guys think is up with her?" Morgan asks.

"Well she just lost her mother." Emily says in a small voice. Everybody turns and looks at Emily.

"You know something Emily." Morgan says loudly but not angrily. Emily looked down and shakes her head.

"You guys please don't make me-" She tries to say but Morgan cuts her off.

"Emily! If you know something that we don't then you have to tell us! We are all her friends." Morgan says.

"Okay well you guys might have notice but she has lost like a quarter of her weight and she lost her strength." Emily looks down at her nails and starts picking then. We are all profilers and we know Emily.

"Emily your not telling us something?" I say.

"Well last night she at a regular sized meal and then through it up." Emily says as if feeling like she betrayed Jennifer.

"She has not been eating and I think she might of gained a eating disorder over the time she got off." Rossi says and Morgan puts his hand over his face.

"Has anyone seen her eat yet?" I ask.

"Just last night." Emily says and everyone agrees.

Okay I don't want anyone bothering her a about it okay?" I say seriously because if we do it could just cause her to keep more secrets and lies.


I finish interrogating the suspect and I got him to tell us were he dumped the the last body, with a deal though. I guess this case is closed and heck am I thankful because I just wanna go home.


The Jet.
"Great job everybody now lets get home."Hotch says in his usual serious tone. Why cant the guy smile. Like jist once seriously I like to call it the Hotch stare and I bet by 2020 its gonna be considered a lethal weapon in 17 states.

A little while later while we are all still on the jet Hotch gives us some bad news.

"You guys we have a problem." Hotch says after hanging up his phone. He looks worried so I know we do have a problem.

"Whats the matter?" I ask.

"You know the case we had in Miami a little while back?" He asks. Its a rhetorical question though because of course I remember. I got punched in the gut and had to go undecover!

"Yes Hotch I think we all remember." Morgan says looking at me. I hate it when people look at me like a victim, because no matter what happens I am not a victim!

"Well its back." He says.

"No we caught him is it a copy cat?" Morgan asks.

"No Morgan I am afraid we got the wrong guy." Hotch says

Reids POV
Really I was excited to go home. Now we have another case! JJ cant ever focus on herself when we have a case and I have been told not to say anything!

Reid is looking at me with sympathy in his eyes like I am broken. Come to think of it everybody seems to be treating me different. They are treating me like a normal person. Which makes me feel normal. Hey maybe if I eat something they will keep treating me normal. I get up and go take a blueberry muffin from the coffee station, sit down, and take a small bite. I have to be careful because I don't wanna make myself sick. I can tell that everyone is happy though because I know that they know that I have not been eating. I am finally feeling better I think that with some help of my friends and my own effort I might be able to let go of James, of my mother, of Rosaline. I guess that I will just have to wait until we get back from this case in Miami.


In Miami
We all go to the PD.

"So whats this about another killer?" Morgan asks the Sheriff.

"Its not another one its the same one, the guy we got a couple months ago was just a con man." He tells our team.

"How can we be sure its not a copy cat?" Rossi asks.

"This guy has done the exact same things to these victims that was not released to the press." The deputy chimes in.

JJ and Reid you cover the area where he took the last victim from. Morgan and deputy Pickens you cover the first abduction site. Rossi and Emily I want you guys to go where he took his second victim. Me and the sheriff will cover his 4 abduction site." Hotch explains. "Sheriff can you divide the rest of your men up among the abduction sites and the dump spots." Hotch asks.

"And sherrif?" Hotch says again.

"Make sure nobody is alone." Hotch reminds.


At the last dump site...

Me and Reid are sitting on a park bench in normal cloths with our guns hidden.

"Hey Spence can I ask you something?" I say. Its sorda a rhetorical question because I know he will say yes.

"Yeh sure anything Jayje." He responds.

"I am sorry but do you remember Tobias Hankel?" I say hoping he wont get mad at me. Instead he just responds like he was just a friend.

"Yeh I remember JJ. Why?" He asks. Well that went better then I thought.

"Well when he died where you sad?" I say.

"Yes I was but I was relieved too." He says.

"Well I-" I was cut off by something rustling in the bushes.

"Its fine Spence." I say while putting my hand infront of myself as people do when they are saying stop. "Its probably just a animal I will check it out." I say. I guess talking about Tobias put him on edge. I walk over to the bushes I rustle through them and a squirrel runs out.

"It was just a squirrel like I told you Spence!" I yell to him who is sitting the bench behind me. As soon as I say it though I regret because I feel strong arms wrap around my waste and cover my mouth before I can yell for help. The minute it happens I know who it is...

Please read authors notes!

A/N Hey guys :D Who do you think this person is taking JJ? Thanku to everyone who takes time to reid my stories! (Do you see what I did there?) I absolutely love reading your guys comments so please when you read my books please don't push the home button on your phone or open a new browser on your computer, please comment.

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