Chapter 17: 1, 2, 3!

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Me and Spencer finally figure out the conflict.

"Okay Spence." I say breathing heavily from running. "Put the phone on the floor and I will do the same with the keys." I day dropping the keys on the ground while he places my phone down.

"1 2 3" We say together and then both run to our possessions. We both laugh and then get into the car.

"I get to drive tomorrow." I say with a smile still spread across my face.

"Oh yeh we'll see about that." He says still out of breath. Does that really tire him out? I mean I do running everyday whether it is in the field or just going for a run, but that? We only ran around his car a couple times.

We drive for about 10 more minutes before we reach the BAU. We walk in together and get in the elevator with Emily.

"Hey guys." She says. She looks at me and then looks at Spencer confused. He just nods at her with a reassuring look on his face. Emily just looks back at me with worried looking eyes. I know what she is thinking. She thinks that I should not be going on the case with them, but I can handle it. I just don't know what to do about Morgan, I cant look at him. I know that I would be dead if it weren't for him-but I cant help but blame him for what happened, I blame myself most of all though. The elevator comes to a stop. We walk out. I make my way to get some coffee.

"Hey Jayje." I hear someone say. I look behind me and see that it is Morgan. I mumble back and look away. I quickly finish making my coffee and then walk away as fast as I can with my head down. We sit at the round table. There is one person missing, Rossi. Soon enough Rossi walks in.

"Okay my crime fighters, you guys are going to Oklahoma City. There were 4 murders in 2 weeks. This guys ruthless you guys. Each of the murders where totally different. First victim was a asian woman with black hair and brown eyes, and five feet tall. Next victim was a man with red hair and he was also 5 feet tall with blue eyes. The next victim was also a male, he was black and had brown eyes, he was 6 feet. The last victim is female is 5.5 in height with brown hair and green eyes." Garcia explains.

"Garcia you are not using past tense?" Morgan points out.

"Uh yes because the last victim survived. She says.

"Wait how do we think these victims are even connected. I ask.

"Ah yes. Well this guy kills his victims using a injection to the stomach. He dumps his victims in un secluded areas." She explains.

"Okay, wheels up in 30." Hotch says while walking out of the room. I do the same. I grab my go bag and head to the jet.


I am the second on the jet. I sit down beside Hotch who is usually the first one. Emily is next on the jet, she sits across from Hotch. Morgan is on next. He sits across from me and I look down at my hands. Rossi and Reid sit at another table and play chess. I see Hotch look at me asking of I am okay with a look. I give him a reassuring nod and smile.


After the briefing we are all free to do what we want. Me Emily our talking about a movie we both like. Hotch is reading a case file and Morgan is doing the same.

"Okay you guys, Emily and Rossi you go to the Morgue, Reid and I will go to the crime scene, and JJ and Morgan you go talk to the surviving victim. Morgan looks up at me and smiles and I look away from him. I know that I am being unfair but I cant bear to face him.


We arrive at the hospital. We start walking to the victims room.

"Maybe you should talk to her alone." Morgan says.

"Yeh okay." I mumble while we walk to the room. I get looks from doctors because I still have not gained much weight. We finally arrive at the room and I quietly open the door and walk in. She looks up. Honestly I look worse then she does. I feel for her because I know what she has gone through, I know what she has suffered.

"Hi my name is Jennifer Jareau I work for the FBI. Mind if I ask you some questions?" I ask he in a soft kind voice.

"No its fine." She says. I walk up to her.

"Can you tell me what he looks like?" I ask." Was he wearing a mask?"

"No but I I cant remember what he looks like." She says.

"Look your brain is doing what is called a blackout. It basically blacks out this man's face to protect your brain from it. I know that this man scared you and I know that when you where with him you felt hopeless and you had that feeling at the pit of your stomach that told you that you just wanted it to end." I say as my voice cracks. I grab he hand. "Please just try to remember." I say.

"How do you know all that? How do you know exactly how I felt?" She asks confused.

"I I um I have seem it before." I stutter.

"Something happen to you! How else would you know how I felt." She accuses.

"Look this is not about me." I say.

"What happened to you?" She asks. I just smile and tell her that if she remembers anything then to call me and I give her my card and walk out.

Hey guys ;) Thanku for reading. I have been having trouble writing lately. I guess I just cant really think about what to write and I dont know if you guys like the story so far. Anyway what do you think is gonna happen with morgan?.... Thanku: blackbirdjeid

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