Chapter 39: Telling Jason

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If we knew each other's secrets, what comfort we should find.
-John Churton Collins

"Okay Jennifer you're starting to freak me out." Jason says with a worried voice.

"Yeah I know I'm sorry. I thought I saw someone I... Knew." I stumble on my words. It wasn't someone I just "knew" and I didn't see them. I could feel their presence, their evil, it was James. Jason doesn't know about everything that happened to me... Actually unless I ever really need to, I don't think he will ever know.

"Jennifer? Someone you "knew?!" Sorry but you look like you just saw a ghost?!" He says sarcastic and sassily.

"Stop! Look, its hard to explain." I say.
He crosses his arms and looks staight ahead.

"Yep hard to explain... More like you just don't want to explain." He says.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I say turning at him. He has no idea, no right  to say that.

"Well you act like everything is so hard to say! But JJ you just don't wanna say it!" He yells.

"You don't don't know me alright. You don't know what just happened back there!" I yell pointing behind us and starting to cry. He immediately turns blank and stops yelling.

"This is really hard for you isn't it." He half asks half states in a sincere voice. At that point I knew I could trust him. I nodded my head in response.

"Okay well when you we get to our apartments can you tell me?" He asks. I make a decision without even thinking. I nod. I immediately regret it but I don't change my answer. There is not a single living person (besides myself) who knows what went on while James had me. I just know he'll hate me after I tell him though.

I pull into the parking lot and stop the car. We head upstairs and he comes into my apartment with me. I flop down on the couch and he sits beside me.

"Okay look when we were back there I thought I saw this guy named James. I know I didn't see him though because-because he's dead." I say.

"Okay so well then who is he?" He asks. I stand up and walk to a drawer. Slowly, I slide the drawer open and pull out a file. My file. I walk over and hand it to him. It says that I got kidnapped by James and that I used to know him and it has my medical report.

"Here read it." I say while looking away as he takes it. I watch him carefully as he reads it. He doesn't look mad but thats because I haven't told him the whole story. I will tell him but I want him to read it first.

After scanning the file for a few minutes he looks up.

"This all really happened... To you." He says. I just nod in response. Then I sit beside him.

"Yeah it did." I say.

"Well can you tell me more?" He asks. I nod again. I tell him everything that happened. It took me a while but he had my back through the entire time.

"Are you mad at me now?" I ask cautiously. He doesn't answer immediately but then he looks up.

"No." He says. My heart fills with relief and I give him a hug.

"I love you." I say muffled by his shoulder.

"I know, I love you too." He says and strokes the back of my head.


I wake up to silence. I look around me. I'm on my couch. Jason isn't here and there's a blanket draped over my leg. I sit up and rub my eyes. "buzzzz" I hear from my phone.

"Aww c'mon." I complain and grab my phone. There's a text.

911 we got a case!

I roll off the couch and get dressed. I'm all of the sudden feeling insecure. I become more aware of the scars on my body and try my hardest to cover them up. Dark colors make me feel the best so thats what I choose to wear today.

Once arriving at Qauntico I get into the elevator. I'm happy to get the couple minutes to myself. But right before the doors close a hand pops in, stopping then from closing. It Anderson.

"Hello Agent." He says quickly. Its weird for him to act like this. He has gotten use to calling JJ.

"What the heck Anderson? Why are you acting so weird?" I say confused.

"Sorry I'm just a little in edge." He responds.

"Why?" I ask quickly.

"Well you know with everything thats going on." He says.

"Whats going on?" I ask more cautiously. Concern filling my voice.

"Haven't you-" He started to ask but was cut off when the elevator opened.

"Oh my-" I mumble into my hand. There are US army soldiers everywhere...

A/N: Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated. Its because I left my phone at school and then forgot to get it out of my locker the next day so I didn't have it all weekend. I could have updated on one of mu other devices but I was in a different province (ps I live in Canada so we have provinces) all weekend camping. So yah I have been wanting to do something like this for a while and read the next chapter to find out!

Standing Under Clouds/Jennifer Jareau/Criminal Minds fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now