Chapter 28: Fun Night

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It has been said, 'that time heals all wounds'. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers then up with scar tissue. The pain lessens.
                       But it is never gone.
-Rose Kennedy

We arrive at the BAU after the jet ride. I plan to sneak away before Hotch catches me. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I look at the caller ID. 'Jason Krycek' it says.

"Jason." I say looking at my phone and smiling. I can see Emily looking at me. I turn away from her and answer the phone.

"Hey Jason what's up?" I ask answering the phone.

"Oh uh hi, am I interrupting anything?" He asks.

"No no no not at all." I say reassuringly.

"Oh okay good. Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later?" He asks.

"Okay sure, my place?" I suggest.

"Sure fourish?" He says.

"Sure, see you then!" I say happily. Jason is nice, he never questions anything. Somebody who was not a good friend would be scared off if they found there friend screaming in there sleep. He never talks about that, which I deeply appreciate. He does not even know I'm a FBI agent. Come to think of it, I don't know what he does. I know he is not a FBI agent though because I've seen his ID. I don't know why I don't like to tell people that I'm a special agent at first. I guess its because I don't wanna mix work with my personnel life. Its the same reason why I don't like to talk about what happens in my life outside of work. I rarely talk about my past. The only thing I know about my teammates pasts are the things about Morgan's childhood, I don't like to think about his childhood, it makes me sad. I know that Penelope used to be a hacker, I know that Emily was a spy and I know about the whole thing with Ian Doyle. I think that Rossi knows more about Emily then the rest of us. Strauss know her also.

"JJ, are you free later today?" Emily asks me.

"Sorry sweets I got plans." I say smiling and grabbing her shoulder.

"Oh okay well if you change your mind Garcia and I are hanging at her place.

"Sorry I'm gonna have to pass." I say with a joking sad face.

"Okay have a good day!" Emily calls as I walk to the elavator.

"Yep you too see you tommorow!" I call back while doing a one motion wave.


Its 3:30. I am wearing a half sleeve grey cotton shirt with the number 33 on it, blue jeans, and my hair is up in a ponytail with a couple pieces of hair hanging out the front. I'm wearing light makeup. My shirt is V neck style. I wore it because I can't wear stuff like this at work, well I can but I shouldn't. I don't know how I look really because I decide not to look in the mirror. Its 4:03 and I hear a nock on the door, he's casually late, I like it. I answer the door.

"Hey JJ!" He says excitedly while giving me a friendly hug. I hug back. I back out because I start to feel uneasy.

"Sorry." I mumble looking down.

"No its fine." He says kindly. "So what do you wanna do?" He asks.

"Well I was thinking we could watch a movie." I say.

"Okay good idea." He says walking in.

"Okay so have you seen this one?" I say while walking to the movie shelf and picking one up.

"Nope." He says while popping the P. I smile and then put the movie into the DVD player.

"You like popcorn?" I ask while walking into the kitchen. He nods. I put one of the microwave popcorn bags and put it in the microwave. "Lets go start the movie." I say. I walk into the living room. He's looking around.

"I like your house." He says.

"You've been here before." I say laughing a little.

"Only once and I didn't have a chance ya know look around." He says laughing back. We both smile at eachother. He's so nice I don't get how somebody like him could be nice to somebody like me. We both sit down on the couch and get ready for the movie to starts.

"Ugh commercials." We both say in unison while reaching for the remote. Our hands connect when they reach the remote. We look up at each other and I smile.

"Sorry." He says laughing and leaning back again. I smile at him again and pick up the remote to skip the commercials. We watch the movie while talking. I think we did more talking then watching honestly.

"So what do you do for a living?" He asks.

"You first." I say. He smiles at that.

"Okay fine, I'm a the guidance councilor at Washington preforming arts high school, your turn." He says. A guidance councilor, cool.

"Uh well I'm a profiler." I say. He gestures for me to continue. "Uh well I'm a profiler for the BAU."

"Wow A FBI agent." He says.

"Ah ah ah Special Agent." I say jokingly while waving my finger.

"Okay special agent." He says while laughing and surrendering jokingly.

"Anyway you have anybody special?" He asks.

"Well I used to kinda, not really I guess. He broke my heart." I say smiling and brushing it off. "And my bones." I say under my breath. He hears me though.

"Oh I'm sorry." He says sympathetically.

"Haha no its fine." I say smiling.

"So what about you?" I say.

"Uh no well I did but she also broke my heart." He says.

"Why do people always do that?" I say sarcastically.

"Beats me." He says.

After a while longer of talking we decided its getting late. He's left now and I'm left alone with my thoughts. I'm glad I met him. He is someone who is really good to confide in, not that I do. I decide its getting late and that I should probably get to sleep, I do have work in the morning. I shower, put on silk pajamas, and slip into bed. Maybe I can get a good sleep tonight, just maybe.

A/N: Here is a warming chapter for you guys!😌 I realize I have been kinda evil lately with all thats happened😔 but don't worry there's more to come😏 Anyway, peace out! Thanku: blackbirdjeid CriminalMinds11

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