Chapter 42: Glass, Broken Bones, Jason.

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When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.

"Too bad." I hear the man say. Before he can say anything else though I surprise him by kneeing him in the groin then grabbing his arm and swatting his gun away. I then run for my gun but being as light as I am the man is able to grab me around the waste and throw me against a glass coffee table causing it to break and cut my hands, arms, and back ripping through my shirt. He tried to throw another punch but I summer salted out of the way just in time. I stood up and he charged at me I jumped out of the way. He slammed into a bookshelf. The ran over and through me into it causing it to crash on top of me. It doesn't hurt much except for my arm which it crushes under its weight. I swear I hear a few wet cracks before I quickly wiggle myself out and take a few punches and kicks at the man. I then throw him to the floor and grab my gun before he can get back up. I point it at him.

"STAY DOWN!" I yell at him. Emily and Morgan run in. I collapse to the floor and hold my arm. It hurts so bad. Emily runs to me and a couple of medics run to Jason.

"Emily Jason he he got infected." At first she looks confused but then she looks to him.

"C'mon Jayje lets go get you cleaned up." She says while helping me stand up.


I sit on the edge of the ambulance.

"Okay c'mon JJ we're going to the hospital." Morgan says. I usually would argue but I'm pretty sure myself that my arm is broken. I get in the back of an ambulance. My arm hurts even worse then it did at first now. The drive seems long and the medic is looking at my arm and trying to figure out if its broken. If he heard the sound it made when that bookshelf fell on it, it would save him a lot of trouble because he would know that it was broken. My arm is blue and purple all over my elbow it had pieces of glass in it. All curved along my knuckles is purple with scrapes. I don't know how I managed to throw a decent punch at him. It probably made it worse.


I'm sitting in the end if hospital bed. My arm had and X-ray... Broken... In 3 places. Along with a dislocated elbow. I had the glass pulled out of my back and broken and arm and now they're just pulling them our of my neck and left arm. Morgan is sitting in a chair. I can't stand being in the hospital much longer. There is so many cases we need to be on right now.

"Okay I'm fine." Let me leave.

"Ma'am we need to get this glass out before it becomes buried in the skin." The nurse says.

"Oh my gosh JJ please I'm fine." I complain.

"Ignore her." Morgan says to the nurse. I look at him and shoot a glare then sigh. They keep on removing the glass from my skin. I don't flinch once. A unsettling thought reaches my head as she pulls out the last piece of glass.

"Jason." I say quickly. "Is he okay?" I say starting to panic. I jump off the bed and run out of the room. Morgan follows and runs side by side with me.

"Who?" He says.

"Oh um the guys you found by me." I say.

"Oh him. Jason Krycek. He's fine. We got him stable using the cure we found with the unsub. Now that we have a sample of it we can probably cure everybody." Morgan says. My heart fills with joy and the words washed my fear away. I run up to the reception desk.

"Jason, Jason Krycek please." I say.

"Um yes ma'am who are you." The woman asks.

"FBI just tell me the room." I plead. The woman gets a surprised look and laughs.

"Oh uh huh okay I think you need some rest." The woman says sarcastically. Morgan steps in front me.

"She is not lying." He says seriously and holds up his badge. The woman's smile turns to a straight face.

"Oh." She says blankly. She quickly types something into her computer.

"Room 223. In the ICU." She says. I run and then stop at a door. I read the words above it. Intensive Care Unit. I walk inside Morgan still by my side. I look through a window. There lying on the bed, a healthy Jason...

A/N: Hey I know I have not updated for a while sorry🙊 With dance and I also have a school play coming up along with exams too. But I am trying to post like once a week. Maybe less maybe more. Anyway keep reading and writing❤️

Standing Under Clouds/Jennifer Jareau/Criminal Minds fanfiction.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang