Chapter 48

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Emily POV

I get home at around 10:00 pm and right as I am getting into bed my phone rings.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"----------" Nobody responded and the line went dead. I quickly call up Hotch. This could be nothing but considering JJ's situation I'm not willing to take any chances.

"Agent Hotchner." I hear from the other line.

"Uh Hotch it's Prentiss."

"Emily?... what's wrong?" He asks.

"I don't know I mean it could be nothing but it my be something considering JJ'S situation and all and I mean-" I say but he cuts me off.

"Emily get to the point." He says.

"Oh um yeah sorry, anyway I got a call that I didn't recognize on my home line and I answered and the line went dead." I say.

"Okay. You were definitely right to come to me. Do you want me to call JJ?" He asks.

"Could you?" I say.

"Okay stay on the line I'm gonna call her with my personal phone." He says.

Hotch'S POV:

"She's not answering." I say into the phone.

"Okay well I'm gonna go check on her, I'm sure it's nothing'' Emily says, but you can hear the anxiousness in her voice.

"Yeah me too. Listen, you call me if anything happens, okay?" I say sternly into the phone, then I hang up.

Emily POV

I pull into the driveway of JJ's apartment building and click the elevator button. When it doesn't come right away I heads fr the stairs. My hand slipping up the railing drenched in sweat. My heart keeps beating faster and faster. I can only think the worse. What if somethings happened to her? What if that stalker has her in his arms right now? What if she's dead? No that won't happen. I know the typical stalker stereo type. He probably thinks she loves him back and won't hurt her. Right? I finally reach the door and bang on it. 

''JJ? JJ let me in!" I yell. I feel relieved when the door is opened and I see a perfectly healthy JJ standing on the other side. I quickly pull her into a hug.

''Wow Em what's wrong?" She says to me, with a voice full of concern. I laugh.

"oh nothings wrong" I answer.

"Okay well then what is it?" She asks. I explain it all to her.



"Wow now I understand why you were so happy to see me." I say. "Do you think the call met anything?" I ask.

"I don't know but its better to be safe then sorry...''

A/N: SORRY FOR THE SHORTNESS I WROTE THIS WITH A SPRAINED WRIST. I wanted to update both stories at least once today so yeah. Anyway if I wrote a fanfic on the TV show Bones would u guys read it? If you haven't watched Bones you NEED TO if u like CM u will like Bones and its on Netflix. Also what if I did one about JJ being an a physically abusive relationship?

Standing Under Clouds/Jennifer Jareau/Criminal Minds fanfiction.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu