Chapter 6: Room #239

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After visiting the morgue we noticed that all the victims had something shoved down their throat. The notes said 'innocents can be guilty'. We were trying to figure out why he would put this.

"Hey Hotch? Could it be something about someone he knew? Someone who he thought was innocent and then betrayed him or something?" I ask.

"Maybe thats what I was thinking too." He says. "JJ you do know your not off the hook for our conversation in the mourge." He says in a slightly softer tone.

"Yeh Hotch I know okay just leave it alone." I say because I know Hotch wants to help but he cant. I promised that I would not tell anyone. I promised James-and I intend on keeping my promise.


"James just let me go I wont tell anyone." I plead and I am serious that I wont tell anyone.

"No Jenny I cant do that." He says.

"Look I love you so much James but you need help." I try to convince him to see a doctor or someone but he refuses.

"I DONT WANT TO!" He yells. I feel a sharp pain like a knife go down my chest and then everything go's dark...

End of flashback...

"JJ?, JJ, Jennifer?" I here Hotch say.

"What Hotch?" I say confused that I had just been ignorant.

"JJ I was trying to ask you something?" He says sounding a little worried.

"Oh yah sorry! I was just uh um... Oh I was thinking about how uh my my um mom she said something while I was with her!" I say trying to think of an explanation. He did not look like he was buying it, but I guess he did.

"Really what did she say?" She said um..." I remembered the name that we thought the unsub had. "She said Banon!"

"JJ that is not really a surprise since we were talking about him while standing in her hospital room?" He says confused as if he knows I should know that.

"Oh yeh sorry." I say.

"JJ follow me.... Now." He sternly says the word now.

"Oh um... Okay?" I say not realizing why.

A/N: okay guys this not end of the story but its gonna be a lot of dialogue and I don't wanna keep writing 'he said', 'she said', ect. So when Hotch talks its gonna look like this. When JJ talks its gonna look like this. Got it? Okay lets keep going.

Hotch look I-" He cuts me off though.

"JJ its a problem. Is it because this case involves your mother or is it something else because I noticed this behavior before this case."

"Hotch I don't need to tell you anything I am capable of it on my own."

"Okay JJ I know its just that I know you and yo-" I cut him off.

"Hotch no! You don't You don't know me! You are a profiler thats the only way you can tell when I am lying, or when I am upset, or angry or or-" I choke on my words while whisper, yelling, almost crying sorda thing.

"Or what?" He says curiously."

"Broken!" I say while slapping my hands down to my sides whipping off my tears and going for the door."

"JJ promise you will tell me when your ready."

"I will never be ready." I say under my breath as I am closing the opening the door and walking out."

I walk out very fast and into the bathroom while still whipping my eyes.

"Jayje?" Emily says to me while following me.

"Emily please just go away right now." I plead.

"Emily's POV
I guess Jayje is breaking down with this case involving her mother and all. I decide to leave her alone when she asks me too. Before leaving I ask if she wants to go to the hospital to see her mother. She just nods and we get into the SUV and make our way to memorial hospital.

$Third person veiw$

JJ sits in the car and just leans her head against the window while waiting to see her mother.

"Miss Jareau." JJ told the nurse as she walked up to the reception desk.

"Room 239" the nurse told JJ.

When JJ and Emily walked into the room the nurse told JJ that her mother was not doing well and there was 30%/100% chance that she would live. At that point JJ's whole world just crumbled.


Later the team was all in the hospital waiting. They had caught the unsub and had 20 hours before they were gonna leave.


I sat in the waiting room and decided ti go visit my mother I don't remember much else after that because I think I had a 'mental breakdown.'

"Beeeeeeep beeeeeeep beeeeep" her heart was at a steady healthy pace when...

"Beep beep beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" I think I had a metal breakdown after that. I felt like my whole world just crumbled my mother was only 53 she did not deserve this... and now I have know one left.

"NOOOOOO! I yell. I try to run to her and her some how but I hit my head on the bed and before I hit the ground I feel strong arms wrap around me. Its Morgan. He is way stronger and his big strong build would beat my skinny one anyday. I try to escape his grasp but he is so much stronger. I am thankful that he is as strong as he his now because I know I would have got hurt if I had been free during my 'mental and physical freakout'.

I don't remember much after that. We made our way back to the jet and headed home.

Standing Under Clouds/Jennifer Jareau/Criminal Minds fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now