Chapter 43: Somebody's Watching

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A/N: I am no longer doing quotes sorry🙊

"Jason!" I say in excitement as I run to give him a hug. The entire team has followed me and Morgan, and could all see me through the window. Emily and Garcia already knew about Jason and mine relationship and now the rest of team does too. I don't care though. All I care about is that Jason is safe... I love him, I love him in every way possible. I look at him and before I know Jason cups his hands around my face and we share a passionate kiss.

"I love you." He whispers to me.

"I love you too." I laugh. He hugs me. We stay like that for a moment. "I was so worried about you." I say.

"I was worried about you, you took that criminal down no sweat!" He shouts. I laugh at him.

"Uh except for this." I laugh pointing at my broken arm. "And this" I say pointing to my face. "Oh uh and this." I say gesturing to my entire bruised body.

"Well you still look beautiful to me." He says while touching his hand to my scar on my collar bone. I look away when he does this. I quickly regret it.

"Im sorry." He says quickly while removing his hand. I turn back to face him and smile.

"No its just... It still hurts, like not actually but...  Idk... I guess...." I trail off. He nods and then changes the subject.

"Well I am getting out of here." He says while standing up.

"What do you think you're doing?" I say while extending my non broken arm and pushing back on the bed.

"Dude you just pushed me down on to the bed and you're..." He stops his sentence.

"What?!" I shout.

"Crippled." He says softly and smirks.

"Oh you wanna see crippled? I can make you crippled." I say in a tough voice. He laughs at my confidence.

"No but seriously when can I get out of here." He asks getting restless.

"Um let me go see. There is one thing that you and I have in common." I say.

"Yes there is indeed." He jokes.

"I hate hospitals." We say in sync. We both laugh as I leave to go find a nurse who can tell me when Jason can leave.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Mrs Krycek." Emily says as I walk out of the room. Derek snickering along. I shoot them both glare but it fades into a smile.

"I'm going to go find a nurse." I laugh as I walk off. I first check the secretary who couldn't tell me anything. I decided to return to the room where I saw Jason's nurse changing his IV.

"Uh sir can you tell me when he can leave?" I ask gesturing to Jason.

"Well before we find out anything we have to move him from the ICU." The nurse explains. There is really no need for Jason to be in the intensive care unit I guess. Honestly I wonder why they put him in there in the first place.

"Okay." I reply to the nurse.

"So we'll move him to a regular room and then we can make arrangements for his check out." The nurse says. I just hope Jason doesn't have to stay here very much longer.


I'm sitting in Jason's room at 12:36pm. Last night we moved his rooms and he fell asleep at 10:53pm and I left around   11:00pm. I arrived here 5 minutes ago to see him still sleeping. His brother, Kenneth is sitting beside me and we have been talking softly.

"So Kenneth are you married?" I say trying to make conversatiom.

"Divorced actually." He says.

"Oh really any kids?" I ask.

"Uh yeah I had a daughter she took her mother's name though. She uh passed away though about a month ago." He says.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that." I say placing a hand to my heart.

"I hadn't seen her in almost a year. I might not have ever again." He said. "I taught her skills on how to survive because with my work I was paranoid something would happen to her, that someone would use her against me. My wife hated it." He said.

"Oh I'm sorry." I say. He nods. I can't imagine what that would be like. Honestly I don't have any experience with children.

"What about you?" He asks.

"Uh no kids and never married." I say. "Actually not much experience with children at all." I laugh.

"Oh wow I have to get back to work." He says checking his watch. I guess his lunch break was over. I'm actually starting to get hungry myself. I guess I'll go see what they have at the cafeteria. Jason's still is sleeping so it shouldn't be a big deal. The cafeteria is  right by his room. Its just down the hall and then a right. I grab a coffee and to bags of potato chips from the vending machine. I starts making my way back to Jason's room when I see a man leaving it with his hood up. I decide against yelling because I wouldn't want to startle everyone. Instead, I run after him. He turns a corner but when I turn the same corner he is nowhere to be seen. I look left and right but I can't see him anywhere. Then I remember... Jason. I hope he's not hurt. Maybe he saw something. I run back to his room hoping for some answers. I find him there sleeping peacefully but I end it by shaking him awake.

"Jason!" I whisper yell while shaking him to consciousness. 

"Wh wh what?" He asks in a a tired, groggily voice.

"Who was that man." I whisper sounding very panicked.

"What man." He says instantly waking
and sitting up. I try to figure out what was going on. That man knew I was following him. He ran. I pace back and forth while running my hand through my hair. So many questions are swirling through my mind... Who was that? Why was he here? Why'd he run? Are we in danger?....

A/N: Hey guys sorry I have not posted in so long😩 my dad wouldnt tell me the wifi password and I have wifi at school but I never have time to go on my iphone at school but I had time today😋

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