Chapter 46: A record

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I walk down an empty corridor locked doors running down the walls. I come across a door that looks different than the rest. I place my hand on the cold doorknob. I open and the door swings open with a loud creek. I walk in and I realise its my childhood bedroom. Light blue walls with a bed full of stuffed animals and a wall with soccer trophies. I come to another door. I step in and fall several feet onto a tile floor. The floor is covered with razor blades. I walk up to a mirror in the large space. I see myself. About eleven years old with a small heart locket latched around my neck. I continue to walk and see a bathtub. I stumble backwards realising the bathtub is full of blood. I slowly get up and look back in the bathtub out of fear and curiosity. The blood slowly drains and I see that emerged in the draining blood is my sister. Her dead body. I start screaming. My small child voice echoing in the large space.

I wake up hyperventilating. I quickly start to panic when I realise I'm not in my house. I quickly remember I'm in the hotel. I check my watch. 5:00 am. We have to be at the PD in 25 minutes.


Its 5:57 and I'm sitting in a room with Emily at Matea Williams house talking with the parents, Mr and Mrs Williams.

"Mr and Mrs Williams did Matea have any history of depression?" I ask.

"No Matty was a happy girl she loved going places with us. She was best friends with her little sister, Kelsey. I turn my head towards the dining room to see a small, skinny girl. She had auburn hair. She was crying in her arms. I stand up and make eye contact with Emily to continue talking with the parents. I sit down beside the young girl.

"Hi my name is Agent Jareau you can call me Jennifer." I say softly.

"Hi. Im uh Kacey." She says wiping her eyes.

"Hi Kacey I saw you're upset."

"Um yeah."

"I know its hard but you were close with your sister right?" I say.

"Yeah and I know she wouldn't do this. She got 80-90% in all her classes. She had a nice boyfriend and she was so so beautiful." She sobs. I look in the corner of the room and see a boy with tears sprouting at his eyes. Probably her boyfriend. I grab Kacey's hand softly and continue to talk to her.

"Look I know this is so so hard." I say.

"How old were you? You lost your sister right?" She asks.

"Um yeah her name was Rosaline I walk eleven." I say with tears ready to fall but I hold them back. "I want to tell you that we don't think she did this to herself." I say.

"You-You don't?" She says.

"No we think she may have been murdered." The girl has a look of relief in her eyes. I see it slowly fade and turn to hate.

"Well who would do this? Who would take her away from me?" She cries.

"I don't know. But we're gonna catch him and we're gonna put him in jail for a long long time." I say. A tear trickles down my face. The young girl leans into my arms and hugs me. I am surprised at first but I hug back. I stand up, give her a pat in the back and walk out of the kitchen. I see that Emily is getting ready to leave so I just head out the front door. I walk down the driveway and hop into the passenger seat of the SUV. I lean my head against the window. I let a few tears fall. Buzz buzz. I jump at the vibration of my phone. I check it. Jason's calling. I decide to take it since Im not doing anything else. My nose still has that sound thar you get when you cry. I swallow hard.

"Hello." I say in a happy perky voice.

"JJ are you okay? Whats wrong." He says. What the hell? He's not even a profiler.

"Jason do I sound like somethings wrong." I say.

"No but Jayje you can't fool me."

"Okay well tell me what you wanted to say." I say.

"Oh I was just calling because I miss you so don't think I'm letting you off the hook." He says.

"Its fine its just a little girl who is in the case." I say.

"Oh okay." He says. I jump at the sound of the door opening. I hang up and wipe my eyes.

"Hey JJ are you okay?" Emily says concerned.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine." I say. I look out the window.

"Um okay." She says. I'm surprised she didn't pry.


I stand staring at our bored of victems. We have no leads except for the drug in their systems.

"Hey Spence!" I call behind me.

"Yeah." I hear him say as he walks up behind me.

"This drug found in their systems, what exactly is it?" I ask.

"Oh yeah thats the weird part. Its an animal tranquilizer." He says.

"What the hell is animal tranquilizer doing in the body of a young girl?" I say confused. I have to crack this case. I can't let another girl die like this.

"Hey guys why is the unsub posing these as suicides?" I ask.

"Um maybe a forensic countermeasure." Morgan says.

"No he's smarter then that. Maybe e was depressed at their age." I say.

"Okay well he is killing kids who he thinks want to commit suicide." Morgan says.

"But why girls?" Morgan asks. I add it all up.

"Morgan?" I say surprised.

"I think our unsubs a girl." I say. He agrees.

"Call Garcia." I say. He nods and types her number in the phone.

"Hey baby girl you're on speaker."

"Hello welcome to the office of all things wonderful!" I hear her says from the other end. Typical Garcia.

"Okay Garcia can you cross check all of the kids in the US between 15 and 16 who were prescribed anti depressants between 1990 and 1995 I ask.

"Yep doing it right now." Garcia says as she types.

"Oh wow that is a long long list, sadly." She says.

"Okay well you can rule out anybody in foster care." I say.

"Okay we that makes the list a little shorter but I still have 2893 names.

"Um okay rule out any single children." Morgan says. "This unsub is killing kids with younger siblings." Morgan says.

"Okay that brings the list down to 1872 names. Give me something more." She says.

"Um rule out kids with only one parent." I say.

"Okay that brings it down a bit." She says.

"Okay well we think our unsubs a woman." I say.

"Okay we have 600 names." She says.

"Well get rid of anyone from 1993-1995 that would make the unsub too old." Morgan says.

"Down to 100 names" she says.

"Okay now get rid of anybody who's dead. Our unsub also probably has a record." I say.

"Okay names. Oh and this is interesting . Joanna Karters beat her father to death when she was 17." Garcia says.

"Thats her that our unsub." I say.

"Im sending her picture to your tablet." She says. I get a beep on my table and check it. What do you know? Blond hair and blue eyes.

A/N: guess what I updated!! A little surprise!! Im sorry this chapter suuuuucked👎 I wrote this in the mall of america and a long road trip. I was traveling across america and canada. I also wrote this in the parking lot of a little Amish village market. Screaming sisters in the backround never helps either. 👎👎

Peace out✌️✌️

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