Chapter 16: Tears

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I feel punches and kicks as I am beat to the ground. Something unexpected happens. I stand up and start kissing the man beating me up.

"I love you." I say. He starts to disappear . Slowly, he fades away.

"James, James!" I yell trying to reach out to him. I hear him yell back.

"JJ? JJ!" He yells. His voice starts to change and I realize it sounds like Spencer... Wait that is Spencer!

I wake up from my state of sleep to the sound of Spence calling my name. He shakes me.

"What the heck?" I say annoyed and confused.

"What the heck to me JJ? What the heck to you. You where screaming!" He argues.

"What no I wasn't!" I defend.

"Yea JJ- you were." He says in a smart tone. I hate it when people talk like that, when they act like something you cant figure out is so obvious. I sit up and rub my eyes. He is sitting at the end of the bed with a worried look in his eyes.

"Spence I'm sorry. But-but-but it was so real." I say stuttering and holding back tears. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. My head rests on his chest and his arms are around me... Then I feel something coming on.

"Shoot." I whisper.

"What?" He asks. I have no time to answer before I go into a state of insanity. I start hyperventilating. I curl up and put my face in my knees. I don't rock this time. I just sit there, scared, alone. Whenever I have a episode it feels dark and lonely and I cant think or control my actions.

"JJ your having a episode." He backs away from me as the doctor tells him told them to do when this happens. I am glad because once he gets far enough I start to calm down.

"I am so sorry." I say while sighing and leaning against the wall. He slowly approaches me. Being cautious with every step.

"I am fine Spence." I say while patting beside me signing for him to sit down.

"Sorry." He says with his head down.

"For what?" I ask honestly confused.

"I just caused another episode, I have caused so many, I am sorry." He says still looking down.

"Spence its not your fault, you know that right." I question in a confused and reassuring sounding voice.

"I know but I feel like I could do more to help, I know I could." He says sounding and looking ashamed. What does he think? He thinks he can just fix this and stop them from happening? Well he's wrong.

"Spencer no!" I say whisper yelling with tears brimming at my eyes, I prevent them from falling. "Spencer there is nothing." I emphasize the word nothing. "Absolutely nothing!, you can do to help me." I say strongly while almost crying.

"JJ I-" He starts but is cut off by me.

"No Spence, No." I say while wiping my almost falling tears and walking out of the room. I walk into the living room and sit on the couch. I put hang my head down and rest my elbows on my spread apart knees. I sit there breathing heavy, slightly wheezing because of holding back my crying. I sit there for a good 15 minutes in the exact same position. I then feel someone touch my shoulded. I jump and quietly scream at the same time.

"Jees Spence, you scared me!" I say now standing.

"Sorry." He says quickly but queitly. I walk back to the kitchen.  

"Hey do you want breakfast?" I askz. He considers it and is about to answer.

"Bz bz bz." Our phones go off in in cinq

"Or not." I say checking my phone. I head to the shower.

"Guess we got a case." He says. I decide to shower before we go. I lock the door in the bathroom. I slip into the shower. I can barely look at myself anymore, it hurts to see all those scars. I cant prevent people from seeing the one that runs over my collar bone but everything else I try to hide. I am bruised and scarred from neck down. I step out of the shower. I get dressed in a white blouse with black jeans and boots. I start to comb my hair in the spare room. I brush my hair facing away from the mirror, I refuse to look at myself in the mirror. I walk out of the room to see Spencer standing the entry way.

"You ready?" He asks. It was sorda a rhetorical question. I nod and we head to the door. He is about to get into the car when he starts feeling his pockets.

"I swear I put them here." I hear him mumbling. I cant help but giggle. He looks back at me with suspecting eyes. I cant help but look guilty.

"Missing something?" I say mockingly and giggling while waving his keys.

"Hey JJ!- How did you? But- I But I I had them in my pocket! What the heck JJ?!" He says trying to figure it out.

"You know took these from you when you where walking to the car." I say still stifling a laugh.

"Wh-Why?" He asks confused. You know for a genius he asks a lot of really stupid questions.

"Because I am driving." I say smirking.

"Oh no your not!" He yells playfully and starts chasing me. I run around the car while he tries to chase me.

"Jennifer you get back here right now!" He yells while laughing. He is a really slow runner.

"Not a chance!" I say still running. "You know Spence I am a distant and speed runner, I can do this all day." I say still running.

"You know Jennifer I am a good pick pocketer too?" He says smirking.

"Oh?" I say jokingly. He pulls something out of his pocket."

"Spence how did you get that! Give it back!" I yell while he dangles my cellphone. This day just went from bad to fun! We keep chasing each other around like children.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and voting on my story latley! Just so you guys know I love it when you comment! Hope you guys like the story! Give me any ideas you have or would like to happen! I will consider them.

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