Chapter 37: Fun Night

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The ultimate choice for a man, in as much as he has driven to transcend himself, is to create or to destroy, to love or to hate.
-Erich Fromm

It's been about twenty minutes since I came to the park. I feel a hand placed on my shoulder as it spreads out. I flinch at first but then hear a familiar voice, Jason.

"Funny seeing you hear huh?" He says sitting down next to me. I smile and look at the ground.

"Yeah funny huh?" I say jokingly looking at him. He smiles to and then it fades into a look of concern.

"What you thinking about?" He says while poking me in the shoulder. I remember my promise and debate whether it goes for Jason.

"My sister." I say deciding that it doesn't.

"Oh? What is she like?" He asks.

"She was lovely and nice, and very pretty too." I say while smiling at memories of her.

"You said was?" He says. I nod.

"She died when she was sixteen."

"Oh I'm sorry." He says with a sad expression.

"No its fine. Anyway lets get going." I say while standing up.

"Where?" He asks questioningly.

"My house." I say smiling and giving him my hand to stand up. He nods and smiles back.


Later that night after Jason leaves I look at the clock, 6:45 pm. I decide to head to the bar to meet Garcia and Emily.

Once I arrive its 6:58pm. I see Garcia's car in the parking lot and Emily's pulls up beside me.

"Hey Em. I say as I step out of the car.

"Hey Jayje, Garcia's already here so lets go in." She says looking at her phone. I nod and we walk in. We walk in and Garcia is sitting at a table. She sees us and waves. We walk towards her and sit down. We ease into conversation and talk about all sorts of things. I'm the only one out of the three of us with siblings and I they don't have kids so we can't really talk about kids. Soon the conversation turns to guys.

"So what about you guys? Any men?" Garcia says. Emily takes a sip of her drink and smiles.

"Wait? You do?" I say to Emily surprised. She looks down at her drink.

"Well I don't know. I met this guy last week and be seems nice." She says casually. I take normally and don't think much about but Garcia she's a little different.

"What's his name? Whats be look like? How tall is he? Is he tall, cute?" She asks Emily all at once.

"Wow wow wow I'm not marrying him. His names Parker." She says putting her hands out in front of her to tell Garcia to slow down. Then she turns her attention to me.

"So what about you?" She asks. Garcia also turns to look at me.

"Oh uh no." I say while fiddling with my straw. Garcia gets a look of surprise.

"I don't get it. JJ you're gorgeous. You could walk up to any guy in this bar and they would fall head over heels for you, but you don't date, why?" She asks me.

"Oh I don't know. The last time I dated somebody it didn't turn out so well." I say.

"Wait you haven't dated anyone aince James?" Emily asks surprised. I shake my head no.

"Nope." I say smiling and popping the P. They both look at each other and then back at me. Then they shrug. I technically lied.

"What about you PG?" I ask.

"Not at the moment no. My last relationship didn't turn out too amazing either." She says jokingly. Its true though. I shot him in the head. That was the first person I ever shot. I shot him through glass doors and straight on the head. Thats why all these other departments started scouting me out.

"Oh yeah." I smile too. I like how Garcia can be happy and positive about a situation when she got hurt. We keep talking about girl stuff like that. Soon we start talking about kids even though I'm the only one with nieces. They are both only children. I have a niece who is only 9 years younger then me. I have to older brothers and had a older sister too.

"I want kids but I'm almost too old and I don't think I'll have one anytime soon." Emily says. I've never though about kids but I guess it would be nice.

"I don't know about it." I say while resting my chin on my hand. Garcia gets a happy look.

"Miss Jennifer Jareau as a mother... I love the idea!" She squeals. Emily lets out a laugh and agrees.

"I like the idea of you with kids." She says with sincerity. I let out a small half laugh, half sigh sorda thing.

"I just can't picture myself as a mother." I say. They both look at each other.

"I can." They say in annoyed voices and look at me while they smile. They all say I act like a mother to them even though they're older than me (except for Spencer), I disagree.

"Guuuys." I complain. "I'm not that baaad." I complain again.

"Uh huh." They both say under their breaths in unison.

"Name one time." I say while putting up my finger.

"That time when you threatened to ground Morgan and Reid." Emily points out.

"Wait she tried to ground Morgan and Reid? When was this?" Garcia says in a excited voice.

"Oh, well Morgan was on the phone with you when we were on the jet. He threatened to spank you and do you remember what Reid yelled?" Emily asks. I have a annoyed, irritated, but kinda amused face.

"Yeah he said "Don't listen to him Garcia! He's all talk!" Garcia says while imitating Spencer.

"Ok yeah well then Morgan hit him, then Reid complained to JJ in a whiny voice that Morgan hit him and JJ said, and I quote exactly... "Behave boys or I will ground you both!" She says imitating me. She's not good at it though, she said it in a very mothering tone.

"It was not exactly like that! I said it annoyed and I did not look up from my file." I complain.

"Exactly." She says. We all laugh and keep our conversation going. This night was just what I needed.

A\N: Okay so that was a long chapter. Its a happy one because writing 45% of it I thought somebody was breaking in. 30% of it I was writing in class. The other 15% I was writing normaly.

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