Chapter 26: PTSD

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Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls. The massive characters are seared with scars.
- Khalil Gibran
I sit there sobbing my eyes out. Slowly, I start to regain my saneness. I try to convince myself that its Reid's fault, but I know its mine. I shouldn't have yelled at him. Somebody opening the door shakes me out of my thoughts.

"JJ?" I hear someone say as they walk toward me. I refuse to look at them. I turn my body away from the door while still sitting in the ground. I look at the floor. I probably seem like I'm acting like a little child.

"JJ? Stop hiding and talk to me." The voice says. I still cant make out who it is. I turn around and see Morgan kneeling beside me.

"Sorry." I mumble while turning to him but still looking down.

"JJ I know that your going through something thats hard but-" I cut him off though.

"How could you possibly know?" I say in a angry tone while still looking at the floor.

"Okay your right I have absolutely know idea what it is like to be abducted and tortured. However I do know what its like to be hurt by someone you trusted." He says in a sympathetic voice. I turn away when he mentions torture.

"You feel alone and scared and you don't wanna talk about it." He says while touching my shoulder. I flinch.

"How could you possibly know?" I say confused while backing farther away. I don't get it, he knows how I feel even when he wasn't there.

"Carl Bueford." He says to me. I know what he means and I stop asking questions. I nod my head and stand up.

"I miss him..." I say and then trail off thinking I said something wrong. I did because I was talking about James.

"I know you do Jayje." He says while wrapping his arm around my shoulder. We walk out and to my surprise everybody pretends nothing happened. In fact Morgan was the only one really talking to me. It was nice to feel normal when I really wasn't. Even Reid was minding his own buiness.

"Okay you guys there has been another murder." Hotch says sternly after hanging up his phone.

"Hotch uh I was thinking and I don't think we should rule the possibility of terrorism out." I say nervously like I don't think I'm aloud to talk.

"You know Hotch I think the girls right." Morgan says with a worried look in his face. If this is terrorism its not a job for us. Suddenly Hotch looks like he is deep in thought.

"We need Garcia here, now." He emphasizes the word 'now'.

"Hotch why." Morgan questions.

"Just get her here." He says while jogging out of the room. Morgan pulls out his phone and uses it to call Garcia. I can hear both ends of the conversation.

"Hey baby girl."

"Hey chocolate thunder my body is hungry and your the food."

"Calm down Penelope, anyway we need you to get down here."

"Wait why? I'm on my way."

"Honestly I don't know 'We need Garcia hear, now.' Were Hotches exact words."

"Okay I'm coming! Bye!"

"Okay Penelopes coming." Morgan says while pushing the hang up button in his cell. I wonder why Hotch wants her? I decide to call Emily to see what she found.

"Hey JJ whats up?"

"I was wondering what you guys found at the mourge."

"Reid is with you couldn't you just ask- well there was nothing really just the clean bullet wounds to the back of the head."

"Okay thanks." I say and then hang up.
I don't know what to do about Reid and I. I kinda forgot about our fight until now. I remember when we fought because we didn't tell him the truth about Emily. That passed over in a week or so, this seems bigger, deeper.

Morgan's POV:
"Morgan can I talk to you please?" I hear Hotch ask me.

"Sure whats up?" I say walking up to him.

"Alone." He says gesturing to JJ and Rossi. I nod and follow him to a vacant room.

"Whats going on?" I ask him a little worried. I wasn't sure what was going on but I knew it was serious.

"Look I see that your helping JJ."

"So?" I ask shrugging.

"Well you seem to be one who she trust, how did you do it?" He asks. I look down and sigh.

"She knows that I know how she's feeling." I say.

"Do you?" He asks.

"Not exactly but from what she said to me I think I have a good idea, and she knows that." I say.

"I just wanna know what you said to her." He says interested.

"Hotch why do you care? I don't wanna talk about it." I say annoyed. He gets the message and nods.

"Thats not what I really wanted." He says. I gesture for him to continue.

"I promised JJ that I wasn't gonna tell anyone but I think you would be the best one to tell. JJ has been diagnosed with PTSD post traumatic str-" I cut him off.

"I know what it is Hotch. What do you want me to do about it."

"I just want you to know." He says while walking out. I follow him out. I walk down the stairs and continue to talk to Rossi as I was before. JJ can get through this, I know she can.

A/N: I have been feeling for JJ in my stories. I wish I could get what she is feeling in this story down on words but I cant seem to do it. Suggestions would be EXTREMELY helpful.
Thanku: shipjeid101

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