Chapter 45: Dreams

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I wake up under my covers. Shivering in a cold sweat. I remember the nightmare I just had. It was me finally getting to see Rosaline and then her handing me her necklace. The one she gave me the last time we spoke. The next time I saw her was in our bathtub. She had slit her wrists. In my dream we would talk for a minute and then she would start fading away. Even though it had been many years those memories still haunted me from time to time since when I was eleven. Whenever I get one of these dreams I can never go through my day properly. I can only pray we don't have a case. Which unfortunately for me... We do.


I arrive at the BAU with still flashing images of my nightmare just hours before. Hotch knows about them but thats only because he forced me to tell him and thats pretty much it. I walk into the elevator and Hotch follows.

"Hey JJ." He says.

"Hey Hotch how are you?"

"Good Jack is excited about a school play he's gonna be in. What about you?" He says. Thats cute. Jack being in a play.

"Um well... Honestly not too good." I laugh.

"Whats on your mind?" He says.

"Its not whats on my mind it what my mind is deciding to show me." I say sarcastically.

"Another one?" He says. I assume he is referring to my nightmares.

"Uh yeah." I sigh as I huff out a big puff of air. He nods. Then the ding of the elevator sounded and the doors opened.

"Don't push yourself to hard today." He says as he walks out of the elevator. I nod in response to let him know I heard.


"San Fransisco. Joice Foster 16 years old found dead in her home after her parents and younger brother had come back from visiting the grandparents for the weekend. Then Matea Williams found dead in her home just 6 blocks over. By her younger sister who was 13. Both girls were found cuts running up their wrists and across their stomachs. Both weapons used were found at the crime scene with the girls prints in them." Garcia explains.

"This says here that they were calling them suicides." Emily says. I knew it. This was not gonna be a good case. Hotch looks at me with a questioning look asking if I'm gonna be okay. I slightly nod to him.

"Aah yes my observant Emily." Emily gives a confused look when Garcia says that. Which makes Morgan laugh.

"They did think that until the last victim... A local Pd officer saw a small needle point mark on the back of her neck and so the ME checked it out. Turns out she was drugged. Along with the other two girls.

"Does killer have a type?" Morgan asks.

"Dirty Blond and blue eyes are the characteristics of all the victims." Garcia says. Great this is just great this case could not have come at a better time. I begin picking my nails while everybody engages in conversation. Some coming up with theory's of how they could be suicides. I stay as dis engaged from that conversation as possibe. I'm pretty sure everybody could tell how uncomfortable I was getting. I mean they are all profilers after all.

"Okay well wheels up in thirty. Oh and Garcia you're coming with us." He says. I am the last one to leave besides Hotch. As I'm walking out the door he grabs my shoulder.

"You can stay off this case if you want to-" He starts.

"No I-I'm fine." I say.

"JJ you are suffering from I don't actually know but obviously you still need recovery from what happened when you were eleven. Plus this case is not gonna make it any better." He points out.

"I know I know." I sigh. "Look Hotch I want to do this case. I'm fine and I don't want you to worry any longer. Alright?" I say as if I'm his mother.

"Okay fine." He agrees and walks out the door. I leave after him and we all meet on the jet. I sit away from the rest of the group along with Emily.

"Hey Em." I say as she sits down.

"Hey Jayje." She says. She puts a coffee out in front of me and I nod as a thankyou.

"You alright?" She asks. I think about what my response should be. I decide to tell her about the man at the hospital.

"Well I keep getting this feeling that someone watching me or something." I say. "And it was happening all the time. And then when I was with Jason at the hospital a man walked out of his hospital room. He was in dark colours with his hood up." I explain. "I called to him but he started running." Emily was now wide eyed. "I chased after him but I lost him." I say.

"Did you tell anyone?" She asks. I nod in response. I told her.

"Good." She says.


The rest of the plain ride was boring and I ended up falling asleep.

A/N: HEY GUYSS! Im so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I have an excuse but its long so yeah. Anyway summer's here!!! Last year was easy but I'm getting into the harder grades now yeah👎 Anyway make sure to stay until chapter 50!! Its gonna be special. I cannot believe how far I'v  gone since like christmas!👌

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