Death part 2

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I turn to Morgan, crying. Whoever this guy is he is not going to get away with killing our friend. This was not fair. People don't just kill the innocence not only the innocent someone helping other people even kids every single day of there lives. I turn and look back at the body. Jason. Jason is dead.


Back at the bau I'm sitting and trying to look at victimology. Even though JJ is the victim and I know her very well. I can't help but wonder is she out there mourning over the loss of someone she loves, or is she being held somewhere not knowing he's dead are we going to have to tell her when... if we find her that her boyfriend is dead. I can't imagine doing that, that would be horrible. She'd get that look on her face like when we told her that James was dead. Even though he treated her absolutely horribly she still found a place somewhere in her heart to love him, and for that, I look up to her.

I sit in a cold, dark room wondering what's going on. I heard cop cars but then someone hit me over the head and everything went dark. I had no recollection of time like it could have been 2 days since I was knocked out or 1 hour. Nor did I have Amy recollection of direction. Up was down, down was left, left was up. It didn't really matter anyway. All that I could focus on now was finding a way to get out of here. I couldn't see anything so I started feeling the area and walls around me. I came to a wall that felt almost like it was made out of wires or something. I'm sure whatever it was, it was meant to keep people inside. Whoever did this to me is a professional and was planning it for a long time... I definitely suspect who had been stalking Jason and I. All of the sudden a light flares on, hurting my eyes and causing me to shut them. I realize this would be a good time to look at my surroundings I decide to squint. As the light seeps through the slits in my eye it stings, but I soon get used to them and graduate to opening them fully. A man is standing there with a gun pointed at my head, but for some reason that's not what I'm worried about. It's where I am that I'm worried about. I look around a wall made up of steel bars and what looks like barb wire. I look around and see at least 10 or so cells that look similar to mine. He then switches of the light and walks into the room, he turns on a lamp. I hear a gun cock and feel it be placed on my temple.

"1" he says. "2" I can here in his voice that he's daring me to try something. So I do. I grab the gun, jump up and punch him. He lands on the floor so quickly run our of the room. I see all the other women standing in the cells that run down both sides of a very long corridor. Hundreds of women. I shoot the guy in the leg so he can't catch me. Then begin running down the halls and letting out everybody I can. I here men come in the building so I start running with about the 30 or 40 women I've let out. I tell the rest that we will be back with help and all of us belt it for the door. Although some of them are hurt I think that there adrenaline was to high for that to stop them. I know that this running could injure many of them even more, but at least they'd be safe. One of the men who had bursted through the door started shooting people. I saw 3 people go down but I had to keep running. Then almost 20 other women got caught. I was left with 3 others so we ran to the woods that surrounded the warehouse. We finally made it to a bush that we could all hide behind. I analyzed the other women with me. Most of them were wearing the same thing. Extremely short shorts and a bra on there top at most. I finally realized where I had been taken. This was a human trafficking ware house. Luckily it was a really warm night. I took it most of these wo,en had not had exposure to sunlight in a while. I looked at them. One of them looked to be a women in her 30's she had brunette hair and a slim frame, she told us her name was Pam. Another looked like she is 20 maybe and she has black hair and pale skin. She told us her name was Kirita. The next looked so young, too young to be here. She looked 14-15 at the very most. She has blond hair and bright blue eyes. Her hair flowed down to her lower back and she was very thin. She had freckles along her nose and a bright pink lip piercing. What the hell had this girl been through? She wouldn't speak so I go first.

"Look I understand your scared, but we are gonna get you out of here. Can you please tell us your name, age, and if you remember where your from?" She nodded.

"My name is Lilliana, I was 13 when I was taken but I don't know how old I am anymore. I don't know where we are but I'm from the Ukraine." If this girl is from the Ukraine then where are we?

A/N: Hi guys! Sorry I haven't posted in F O R E V E R! But I hope you guys enjoyed this!!! I have good news! I might be continuing this book! Although it's your choice! Also I've kinda been wanting to do a face reveal? Do you guys think that you would wanna see something like that in the future? Or would you like me to remain anon. In my opinion what I look like doesn't really matter but I think it'd be cool for you to see what I look like.  Comment your opinion or dm me! Also make sure to follow me on insta @crimunalminds and @gublersbabe

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